#100: Celebrating 100 Episodes – Raya’s Favorite Episode Roundup

O.M.G! I can’t believe we’ve reached 100 episodes of the City Girl Savings podcast!

First off, where does the time go?! Second, I’m so glad I bit the bullet and decided to launch the podcast in January of 2022.

I had been contemplating a podcast for a long time, but the timing never felt right. I knew that if I was going to commit to showing up every week, I had to be in a space to do it.

So, when I took City Girl Savings full-time in May of 2021, the podcast felt like the right next step. 100 episodes and nearly 2 years later, I know I made the right choice.

To celebrate 100 episodes, I’m sharing my all-time 10 favorite episodes of the City Girl Savings podcast and why they made the list.

Raya’s 10 All-Time Favorite Episodes (in no particular order):

#58: My Daily Morning Routine for Boosting Productivity

#76: Breaking Down My Savings Accounts and Strategies

#20: Breaking Generational Money Curses with Lea Landaverde

#91: 35 Money Lessons I Learned by 35

#1: Big City Spender to City Girl Saver: How City Girl Savings Came to Be

#41: Pulling Back the Curtain and Getting Intimate

#81: Manifesting Money, Trips and More with CGS Client Tymika

#10: Conquering the Fear of Failure and Re-defining Success

#70: My Budget Non-Negotiables

#12: An Introduction to Travel-Hacking with Travel Rewards Coach the Miss Miles

Let me first say that it was incredibly hard to limit my favorites list to 10, but I did it! If you’ve been listening to the show from the beginning, THANK YOU! I hope some of these episodes made your favorites list as well.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:28] Raya loves systems and routines, so it’s no surprise that Episode 58, where she shares her morning routine, made the all-time favorites list.
  • [06:45] From year 34 to 35, Raya learned a lot about life, happiness, and money. Her lessons learned over 35 years had a huge impact on her.
  • [11:34] Speaking with CGS Client Tymika about manifestation was an all-time favorite episode for Raya because it took listeners through some of the mindset work that happens on client coaching calls.
  • [16:05] Yes, Raya is all about budgets. But, budgets that include the things we love! Raya shares why the episode on her budget non-negotiables made the all-time favorites list.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

#58: My Daily Morning Routine for Boosting Productivity

#76: Breaking Down My Savings Accounts and Strategies

#20: Breaking Generational Money Curses with Lea Landaverde

#91: 35 Money Lessons I Learned by 35

#1: Big City Spender to City Girl Saver: How City Girl Savings Came to Be

#41: Pulling Back the Curtain and Getting Intimate

#81: Manifesting Money, Trips and More with CGS Client Tymika

#10: Conquering the Fear of Failure and Redefining Success

#70: My Budget Non-Negotiables

#12: An Introduction to Travel-Hacking with Travel Rewards Coach the Miss Miles

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