#91: 35 Money Lessons I Learned by 35

By the time you’re hearing this episode, I’m a newly aged 35-year-old woman.

My year from 34 to 35 has been one of tremendous growth.

Not from a business or material standpoint, but from an internal one.

It’s been a year of reflection, trusting the unknown, and having faith.

It was a tough year personally and I was forced to do things I didn’t plan to.

I was forced to slow down when I didn’t want to. I was forced to be content, which is something I struggled with.

The growth I’ve experienced in the past year has had a huge impact on the money lessons I’ve accumulated over my 35 years of life.

In this episode, I’m sharing some of the biggest money lessons I learned by 35. I have a feeling the lessons will keep coming!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:55] On this City Girl Solutions’ segment, I’m sharing whether to set up bill-pay through your bank or automatic payments through each company.
  • [07:43] Money isn’t what brings happiness, but it can allow you to do and purchase the things that do bring you overall happiness.
  • [12:15] Contributing to a 401k plan at age 21 was the best thing I did for my finances. I didn’t do a lot of things right back then, but I did that right!
  • [17:09] Love to travel? It’s okay to visit the same place multiple times, especially if that place brings you joy.
  • [21:05] I no longer believe starting a business is for everyone. I think personal wants and characteristics may warrant working for someone else.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 30 – Vacation Planning on a Budget

Listen to Episode 53 – My Personal and Business Goals for 2023

Save money with Oportun! Get a free $5 on me!

Listen to Episode 70 – My Budget Non-Negotiables

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Struggling with your finances? Request a call with me (and get a budget)!

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