Are you ready to live a life you love? Are you ready to travel the world, get out of debt, reach your money goals and become FINANCIALLY FREE? Financial coaching can help!
Work one-on-one with Raya to get the financial success you deserve!
I’m Raya,
City Girl Savings Founder and Budgeting Coach for women who are *ready to breakthrough ongoing financial burdens and achieve true financial freedom through financial coaching*.
I, myself, have gone through the trials and tribulations that come with a lack of budgeting experience.
I lived in a big, expensive city, and I wanted to enjoy life. I took trips, I dined out, I bought designer duds. Then, I couldn’t pay rent.
I literally walked to my apartment door and faced an eviction notice. Pay in 3-days or get out. Crap. I got paid in 5 days.
This was my wake-up call. All of the “FUN” I had could not save me from being evicted. If I only put aside my rent money BEFORE going on a girl’s trip. I worked my tail off those next 3 days, and paid rent with every last cent I had.
After that, I got my sh*t together.
I started working overtime. I stopped going out to eat. I got a roommate. I shopped in my closet. I started writing my expenses down.
I created an excel spreadsheet that outlined my expenses. I made sure priorities came before anything else.
Then, I lost my father and had to move back home.

Only now, my expenses reduced dramatically. I was no longer breaking even, I was at a surplus.
I started putting everything extra towards my debts. I paid off thousands of dollars worth of credit card debt in just over a year.
Once the debts were gone, it was a whole new ball game. I had a small emergency fund, then a big emergency fund. I’m on track to retire with over 1 million dollars. I was able to start my business, save for retirement, take trips (without using credit cards), and feel the weight of debt and poor budgeting lift off my shoulders. I turned things around, and YOU CAN TO.
If you feel that you will never get out of debt, or you can’t control your spending, or you will always be in the same, terrible spot, I have news for you: THERE IS A WAY OUT.
I’m not saying there’s an easy way out (what are the odds of winning the lottery, again?), I’m saying there is a strategy you can follow to get out of your hole and breakthrough financially.
I am in the best place I’ve ever been financially, and it’s only up from here.
Now, it’s your time.

This is for you if...

You feel like nothing
seems to work…

Every time you try to save money, something pops up and kills your progress…

Your income just doesn’t go as far as you need it to…

Your budget is a mysterious plan that you can’t seem to figure out.
Trust me, I understand.
I’ve been coaching women one-on-one for over 7 years now, and I worked with women who..
Have too much debt
don’t have enough debt and therefore can’t build their credit.
save money, only to spend it
Think they don’t make enough money
live paycheck to paycheck
can’t seem to stop spending.
Each of the women I’ve worked with who fell into the scenarios above has changed their situation for the better. I helped them:

Create a plan for their debt, which made it so much more than a big, scary number that can’t be knocked out.

Start using debt the right way to improve their credit score (I’m talking spikes of 100+ points in one month)

Get to the root of why they keep spending, even when they know they shouldn’t. Understanding the “why” CHANGES the game!

Find the “sweet spot” saving amount that is large enough to make a difference, but small enough to ensure it’s never touched

Start thinking outside of the box to bring in more money (the average millionaire has 7 streams of income, so having just one won’t do!)

Set up a solid budget and spending plan that breaks the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle once and for all.

What they're saying...
“Since working with Raya, my net worth increased by almost $10,000…in just over 3 months! During the program, I was able to save $1000 in an emergency fund. I was able to pay for a family vacation. ”
“Raya’s one-on-one coaching program is wonderful. I loved the weekly calls and the budget file that we could both access to help share information back and forth. Raya is a kind person who wants the best for her clients and easy to talk to. I love that she would sometimes ask why do I think I made that choice and always reminded me to be intentional with each dollar. She was showing me things I could do with my money that I didn’t even know was possible with a little discipline. Since working with Raya, my net worth increased by almost $10,000…in just over 3 months! During the program, I was able to save $1000 in an emergency fund. I was able to pay for a family vacation. I no longer think of my credit card as extra money to use for spending since I now “pretend” I only have to live on the cash from my paycheck. I know that if I was faced with a $1000 emergency I could cover it without using credit cards. I also believe I would now be capable of building that savings back up a little each paycheck without dipping back in. If you’re thinking of working with Raya, Invest in yourself, invest in the knowledge, and invest in Raya. It will be worth it to have someone who doesn’t judge you or pressure you to spend money because she is interested in helping us meet our financial goals and nothing else!“
Brittany Z.
Here’s what we’ll focus on in the program:

Making sure you have the proper vision for your finances, both short term and long term, and set out a game plan to help you reach those goals. Also, dealing with adjustments to the plan when things pop up (they always do, right?)

Getting a budget in place that is realistic (meaning you can reach your goals and still enjoy life in moderation) and comes with a system that calls out exactly where you over spend and by how much. This information is incredibly important for controlling your spending.

Setting up habits, actions, and routines for you to follow long after the program that will lead to your continued budgeting and financial success. You will be able to handle any type of scenario because you’ll know what questions to ask yourself, where there’s flexibility in your budget if changes need to be made, and how to keep the motivation alive when you simply want to spend money.

What I know for sure?
Life changing results will be happening and you will feel more powerful in your finances than EVER before.
You have 12 weeks of one-on-one financial coaching calls with me, a detailed budget plan to follow, and the proper expense-tracking system to ensure you are successful with your budget.
The Best Part?
- 12 weeks of one-on-one calls with me
- a detailed budget plan to follow
- the proper expense-tracking system to ensure you are successful with your budget

If I were you, I’d be sure to join TODAY. Why?
Spots are limited because there is only of me and PLENTY of women who need to get their finances in tip top shape.
Success comes from action. If you know you need to be better with budgeting, spending, debt, and money overall, why would you want to prolong your success?
What Our Clients Are Saying...

“Since the program, my credit score has increased so much and I’m now able to be approved for so many things (like my own apartment).”
“Before Raya, my financial situation was bad. Low credit score. Constantly in overdraft & in debt maxing out all my credit cards. Once I started working with Raya, I got the structure that I needed with my finances. I’m now accountable for my spending and lost the fear I had with money. I feared looking at my account & now I’m able to save money. Since the program, my credit score has increased so much and I’m now able to be approved for so many things (like my own apartment) now. It’s amazing what we accomplished in 3 months of working together. If you’re considering the program, DO IT! It may seem scary at first, but it has been an amazing experience. The changes I went through in 3 months have no price! I was able to clear out 3 credit cards to $0 balance and by next month will clear out another 3 cards & be debt free!! When it comes to Raya, I appreciate her guidance, patience, understanding and her overall wonderful spirited approach to finance. I want her to keep being herself and bringing that honest loving energy that she brings to every call. She is amazing to work with and even when I slipped into my “old ways” there was no judgment, just guidance on how to get back on track. She is real & a beautiful person inside and out!”
“I payed off two credit cards and will pay off an auto loan in just a couple more months. I started a couple savings accounts and a retirement account. I also started tracking all of my spending. Because of that, I feel more secure about my future and I feel empowered and in control.”
“Before I started working with Raya, I was overwhelmed with debt and didn’t know how to get out. I didn’t have a savings plan and my financial knowledge was pretty naive. Once I got started with Raya and the coaching program, I learned how to take control of my money, my decisions, and my life. Raya gave me the tools to feel empowered and make smart choices for my present and more importantly my future. She helped me feel confident about my finances!
Some of the specific results I’ve had during my time with Raya include paying off two credit cards and will pay off an auto loan in just a couple more months. I started a couple savings accounts and a retirement account. I also started tracking all of my spending. Because of that, I feel more secure about my future and I feel empowered and in control. I can now prioritize my spending and I’ve learned to decipher wants vs. needs.”

“ I feel a lot more in control and a lot more at ease about my financial situation. Instead of completely ignoring my account balances, I now have ambitious saving goals.”
“Before I started working with Raya, my financial situation was stressful and felt out of control. I felt that since I was making decent money, I could just spend whatever I wanted. This however led to overspending, dread when I checked my account balances and wondering how I was going to afford rent.
After working with Raya, I feel a lot more in control and a lot more at ease about my financial situation. Instead of completely ignoring my account balances, I now have ambitious saving goals. I don’t feel guilty doing the things I love such as getting coffee out, shopping or getting my nails done, because I know they are within my budget. For the first time, I am really excited about where my finances can take me!
Here are some specific wins that came as a result of working with Raya: I have nearly doubled my net worth, paid off a significant amount of debt in 3 months, and have a realistic plan to continue building on all the progress I’ve made in this short time.”

The 12-week, one-on-one financial coaching program:
What We’ll Do Together:
- Create a realistic budget and spending plan for your situation
- Track your expenses, spending, and habits to ensure success or fix areas of opportunity
- Identify any fears or negative thoughts around finance and budgeting and work to shift your money mindset
- Work to get the root of poor spending/budgeting habits
- Review all areas of your financial situation to get you set up for success (401k/retirement, savings account opportunities, ways to make bill pay easier, etc.)
- Build positive money and budgeting habits
- Create a plan to diligently pay off debt
- Work to build your savings as quickly and efficiently as possible (without touching it)
- Handle unexpected expenses or setbacks the most financially sound way possible
- Much more

Who This Program is For?
Just like you would hire a trainer to help you get in shape, if your finances need a revamp, hire a coach! This program is perfect for you if:
- You have never been able to create, implement, or follow a budget (like, ever)
- You are drowning in credit card debt, and there *appears to be no way out
- You have a poor relationship with money and you’re ready to shift your money mindset
- You can’t seem to save anything, at least without touching it
- You make decent money, but can’t figure out why there is never any left after payday
- You know you can be doing so much more with your finances, but don’t know how or where to start
- You are ready to get to the next level financially and need the accountability and know-how to do so
What We’ll Do Together:
In this 3-month program (terms can run longer, based on need), you will get:
- 12 one-on-one coaching calls (1 per week)
- Personalized budget and spending plan (created by me)
- Personalized tracker to monitor spending (daily)
- Unlimited email access to me throughout the term
- Unlimited feedback on financial decisions and questions
- Review of your current standing and my recommendations on improvements

The number 1 question I get asked is:
Why should I pay to get help with my finances when there are plenty of free or low-cost options available?
Since I’m a coach that specializes in helping people who don’t know how to budget, you can imagine how many times I’ve been asked this question.
It’s a valid question.
The funny thing is, though, the people who are asking that question aren’t asking questions like:
Why should I have to use my credit card to buy things I don’t need?
Why should I have to save my money so I don’t live paycheck to paycheck?
Why should I have to pay bills on time so I don’t have late fees or a low credit score?
Those are valid questions, too.
The reason why people need to pay for help in areas that haven’t been successful in (finances included), is because they haven’t been able to figure it out themselves up until this point.
That’s not to say that no one can figure it out themselves. I sure did, as far as my finances go…
But, it wasn’t easy. It wasn’t overnight. It would have happened a lot faster with the right guide.

So, if something isn’t working in your financial situation,
why wouldn’t you ask a question like:
“Does it make sense to continue what I’ve been doing, knowing it’s not working, or do I make the decision to do things differently and get on track once and for all?”
The answer to THAT question (the question you really need to be asking) is exactly WHY you should pay to get help with your finances. The answer to that question is exactly why you should pay to get help in any area of your life that hasn’t been successful.The power of learning from those who are where you want to be is priceless. The power of someone holding you to a higher standard than you’ve ever held yourself to is priceless.
The power of progress and results from doing the right things is priceless.
So, the real question is…
why wouldn’t you pay to get help with your finances?

In simpler terms…similar to a personal trainer for your health/weight, you can have a personal trainer for your finances.
You don’t necessarily hire that personal trainer because you don’t know what to do, right? You already know you need work out and eat better.
However, you hire that trainer to get to the nitty gritty of your health/weight issues. You work with them to get the right plan for you to follow to reach your goals. You work with them for a specific amount of time with the mindset that you will take what you learn and grow/implement on your own.
The same applies to a finance/budget coach (aka me). You know you need to avoid overspending and budget better, but having someone hold you accountable, map out a plan of attack, and learn what you need to do to grow/implement on your own, yields true long term success.
Quick fixes often don’t get to the root of the problem and often don’t lead to success or consistency long term.

What Our Clients Are Saying...

“Some of the specific results I got during the coaching program include: 1. Saved my $1,000 emergency fund, 2. paid for $900 new car brakes, 3. paid off over $3,100 in credit card, which paid off one credit card completely.”
“Before Raya, my finances were stressful, overwhelming, and felt like I was making enough money, but didn’t know how I was so broke all the time. I started getting behind on bills. Right away working with Raya, all my money had a place to go and I still had money to have fun and save. The stress and guessing each month melted away. I felt more organized in my life and intentional on how I spent my money and time. I felt more grateful for the money I did have because I made it work for me instead of the other way around. I truly believe that when I put out into the universe that I was working on my finances, extra income just started coming to me in the most random ways. I was more awake to those opportunities and saw them as blessings, whereas before I probably wouldn’t have noticed them at all.
Some of the specific results I got during the coaching program include 1. Saved my $1,000 emergency fund, 2. paid for $900 new car brakes, 3. paid off over $3,100 in credit card, which paid off one credit card completely, 4. randomly received an extra $1,500 in income over 3 months 5. caught up on bills, including my mortgage.
If you’re thinking of signing up to work with Raya, I’d say that this really does work. It was the best investment I’ve ever made in myself.”
Brittany W.

If you are ready to breakthrough your ongoing financial burdens and achieve true financial freedom, what are you waiting for?
program with me (Raya)
For 12 weeks
Weekly payment plan options are available upon request.
Not sure if you need 12 weeks? Request a call with me (which comes with a custom budget plan) and we’ll discuss additional support options!