How to Prep Your Skin for a Major Event

How to Prep Your Skin for a Major Event

Clear, glowing skin is always wanted, but never more so than before a major event. In many cases, we fail to take the necessary steps to keep our skin looking great and wonder why our faces break out at the worst times. Almost seems like clock-work, right?

Stores like Sephora and Ulta are great for picking up skin care items to help you achieve that flawless, glowing look that you may like. In case you’re wondering how to prep your skin in the event of a special occasion read below. I’m sharing some amazing tips for have your skin looking photo ready at your next big event!

Drink Water in Advance
Giving yourself plenty of time to prep your skin can make a world of difference. If you’re aware that your event is sometime away, don’t wait last minute to get picture perfect. If you haven’t started drinking plenty of water, you should.

If you don’t like the taste of plain water simply add your favorite fruit to it for a tasty flavor. You can also try a water detox! Water helps flush out any impurities in your system that could cause your skin to breakout. Check out 8 reasons to start drinking water now if you don’t believe me!

Focus on the Problem Areas

When it comes to your skin, you should begin with the most pressing concerns. Some hate the dark spots that are left behind from the pimple and want to lighten them. While others have fresh breakouts that want to get rid of the zits before they get worst.

Whatever your biggest skin issue is, start there and the rest will be easy breezy. Depending on the concern, it’s good to speak with a Dermatologist to see what topical ointment or antibiotics work best for you.

Typically, facial products that include retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotics, sulfur, and salicylic acid help with removing any pimples or dark spots.

Stay Consistent with Your Routine
It’s important to not change your facial routine up right before the big day. Changing your facial routine can cause your skin to react in a way that could result in irritation. Instead, stick to what you know and what works best for your skin.

There are different skin types such as oily, dry, normal, and so on. Knowing the type of skin you have is vital in getting the things that will work to maintain your natural glow, and perfect any blemishes you may have.

Some beauty consultants are knowledgeable about certain products for achieving clearer skin. Before making any purchases its best you do your own research to know if that product is best for you or not.

Related: 5 Ways to Detox Your Skin

When you have a major event coming up, how do you prep your skin in advance? What products have you used to keep your skin looking as good as possible?

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