Beauty How-Tos: How to Shape Your Eyebrows

An always-popular topic of conversation amongst the beauty gurus is having perfect brows. Whether it’s full, thick brows, or clean, neat brows, the key to shaping your brows is to find what works best for your face. Have you ever wondered how so many beauties achieve such amazing eyebrows? We’re not going to lie, it is partially due to their genetic makeup, but it’s also due to how they actually shape their brows. The CGS Team is sharing a few tips to help you shape your own brows from home and nail the perfect look for you!

Step #1: Draw Your Shape

Before you start plucking and tweezing a way, start by drawing on the eyebrow shape you are trying to achieve. The good thing about drawing on your eyebrows first is that you can always remove and start over. Don’t know where to start when drawing on your eyebrows? Check out the Beauty How-Tos: How to Fill Your Eyebrows article.

Step #2: Tweeze and Clean

Once you have your eyebrow shape drawn on to perfection, clean up any hairs that fall outside of the shape.  Use a magnifying mirror to get the thin hairs that you may not easily see with a regular mirror.  A good pair of tweezers will do you good here.  Check out our favorites in the CGS Beauty Picks: Tweezers article.

Step #3: Brush and Trim

After you have plucked the arid hairs, take an old toothbrush and brush your brows straight up.  This will allow you to see how much hair needs to be trimmed.  Use small scissors to trim any hairs that are long and floppy when brushed up.  Avoid tweezing these hairs because they can leave you with patchy brows.

Need to correct your shape? Check out the brow-guide below via Paula’s Choice to see how to correct a variety of brow shapes:


Shaping your brows isn’t as hard as it seems! You can save yourself some cash by learning how to do your own brows and skipping the salon. What brow-shaping techniques have you found to be helpful? How did you learn to shape your own brows? We want to hear your brow-shaping experiences, so leave a reply to share with the group!

-The CGS Team



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