Beauty How-Tos: How to Cover up a Sun Burn

Summer is here and that means long days at the pool (or beach), bright sun, and warm nights! What also comes with summer is the unwanted sunburn, if you’re not careful! There are so many benefits to using sunscreen, just read the article What You Really Need to Know About Skin Cancer. However, sometimes the sun’s rays can burn through that sunscreen.  The CGS Team is sharing a few tips to cover up a sun burn so you won’t look like a ripe tomato!

#1: Treat the Burn First

Before applying any make-up, you need to treat the burn first.  Aloe Vera is highly effective when it comes to cooling your skin and easing the pain.  Also, rinse your face with cold water to re-hydrate your skin.

#2: Moisturize Effectively

According to Kirbie Johnson of PopSugar Beauty, when you’re trying to cover up a sunburn, it’s extremely important to use a moisturizer that contain humectants or lactic acid. These ingredients will help skin cell turnover and attract water to improve the flexibility of your skin.  Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream is a great moisturizer to use with a sunburn.  This step is very important before applying makeup.

#3: Use Hypoallergenic Make-up

Since regular make-up can irritate a sunburn further, it’s best to use hypoallergenic make-up when you have a sunburn.  Make-up artist Bobbi Brown says that hypoallergenic make-up will help cover up the redness, offer sun protection, and give you light coverage that’s comfortable for your skin. BareMinerals is a great brand when looking for hypoallergenic make-up.

#4: Bronzer Helps

It may seem counter-intuitive to apply bronzer to an already sun-kissed (aka sunburned) face, but it actually helps! Choose a nude or brown bronzer (pink isn’t the best option) and use it on your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin to help downplay your redness. Check out How to Properly Apply Bronzer for tips!

#5: Color Correction

If you’re severely red, you may need a little more coverage. Use a concealer to help cover up extremely red areas. Use this under your hypoallergenic make-up for an even complexion.


Sunburns are an unfortunate side effect of too much fun in the sun, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside! What do you do when you have a sunburn? How do you downplay the extreme redness? Leave a comment below to share your summer beauty tips!

-The CGS Team



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