4 Ways to Deal with Thinning Hair

Thinning hair effects men and women of every age and ethnicity. While the loss of hair can come from a number of things, ensuring you are living an active, healthy lifestyle can make a difference. Thinning hair is something that no one wants to deal with, but if you have to then do it right! The CGS Team is sharing a few tips to help you understand why your hair is thinning and deal with it the right way.

Find the Cause

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, alopecia is the most common cause of consistent hair loss in women, affecting over 30 million American women.  Alopecia has a special loss pattern, making it somewhat easy to identify.  The hair starts thinning at the crown of your scalp and begins widening through the center hair part. If your hair loss has a similar pattern, consult a physician to confirm a diagnosis.

If your hair just seems to be coming out, then other factors could be playing a role. Stress, diet, poor nutrition, a traumatic experience, genetics, an underlying medical condition, and menopause can all cause hair loss. Start making positive changes to your diet and lifestyle, and see if that does the trick. Note that some hair loss (up to 100 strands a day) is natural as our body rids itself of dead cells.

Simple Fixes

If you have thinning hair, or just naturally thin hair, there are some simple fixes you could implement to give yourself the appearance of more hair. Simply changing your part could give the illusion of more hair. You can also try layers, which naturally add more volume.

Fake Your Volume

Teasing your roots is very simple and can instantly give you volume. Remember Snooki’s poof? Simply take a comb or brush and start in the center of the top of your head. Taking your hair by the root, tease it by brushing it up and down. A rule of thumb when teasing your roots is to grab your hair in sections to evenly distribute fullness throughout your head. Also, opt for a shampoo that promotes volume. Here are some popular volume-boosting shampoos:

Try Hair-Growth Products
Women’s Rogaine, or any hair-growth product containing minoxidil is the only over-the-counter medication approved by the FDA to fight female hair loss.  Biotin supplements can also help rebuild the proteins in your body that make up your hair. Consider talking with a dermatologist to identify the cause the best solutions. Hair can re-grow on its own, so make positive changes and give it time.

Check out these additional great reads for growing healthy hair:

How to Grow Healthy Hair

4 Ways to Mend Split Ends

How to Go Curly to Straight Damage-Free

Food Shares for Healthy Hair


Have you dealt with thinning hair? What have you done to give your hair more volume? Share your hair care experiences by leaving a comment below!

-The CGS Team



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