Beauty Tips & Tricks

The CGS Team is sharing Beauty Tips & Tricks to help you make the most of your beauty routine and feel amazing while doing it!

5 Ways Beauty Rituals Can Boost Your Mental Health

In the 2020s, with everything we’ve been through, it’s crucial to find self-care moments that nurture our physical and mental well-being. Beauty rituals, often seen as a routine to enhance our external appearance, can definitely have profound effects on our mental health. I’m currently on a No-Spend challenge, but getting my hair done and keeping

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Woman Washing Her Hair

5 Beauty Habits to Build Into Your Night Time Routine

Getting your beauty rest does a body good or so they say! It’s important to start with the basics, and the foundation of great beauty starts with the mind. Check out 9 Affirmations to Channel Your Inner Beauty to get your mind right! The next most important thing is your beauty habits…especially the ones in

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