My Favorite YouTube Fitness Channels for At-Home Workouts

I swear, YouTube is a goldmine! I know there are talks of banning TikTok, but MY GOODNESS, if someone tries to ban YouTube…I’ll probably fly to DC and protest because of all the valuable content on YouTube, which includes workout channels!

I know I’ve mentioned before in a previous article, I haven’t had a gym membership since 2020, as I gave it up during the pandemic. I mean, the world was shut down, so I did this to not only save money, but I did this when I discovered “YouTube Fitness” for free 😂. Seriously, bless those trainers and fitness experts who share their expertise and routines with us folks who do not have gym memberships (or just do not want to add it to their budget, oh hey that’s me lol)!

I was never a fitness girl, but boy oh boy do I have a fitness journey lol! As someone who is learning how to have a better relationship with food and just being healthy overall, I was never a gym girlie. To be honest, I only went to the gym because I LOVED doing Zumba and some of the class instructors were amazing! I have to be engaged; I have to LOVE what I’m doing at the gym.

So…during the pandemic, I started collecting workout channels and adding them to my own “YouTube Fitness” database…suddenly I was down 50 lbs! Now, we ain’t gonna talk about past and current weight for this article (didn’t I say I was on a fitness journey, not destination lol), but ya girl has now incorporated these channels into her fitness routine!

I can honestly say that I [almost] love doing these videos more than going to a gym, only because I know that I’m going to enjoy exercising! For me, my preferred cardio is dancing and walking, and I can easily find channels that specialize in those and they’re so much fun!! I’ve also picked up some strength training, at-home walking, and even belly dancing channels as well!

It’s almost a bit nostalgic for me – those 90s/00s workout infomercials…remember Billy Blanks and Tae-Bo? Tony Horton and P90X, Hip-Hop Abs? It’s like having all those DVDs, but on YouTube!!

My Favorite YouTube Fitness Channels

In no particular order, as there may be a Part 2 of this article, here are some of my favorite YouTube Fitness Channels for At-Home Workouts!


Ohhhh I love Jo so much! Her positive attitude and energy are perfect for a morning workout! I love her channel because she’s so versatile! I found her through a dance video, but not only does she have dance workouts, but also walking and strength-training videos! I know folks who ONLY do her videos and have had great success in their fitness journeys!

Another reason why I love Jo is because she has a strong online community, and her workouts are very beginner-friendly! Her channel is so organized and love how she categorizes her channel based on fitness level! I also recommend her videos for anyone who is just starting!

And8 Fitness

Baby, if you want to dance and twerk, this is the channel for you! This channel was started by twins, Dawn and Dominique, and they are just fun! This channel reminds me of my Zumba class I used to go to at my gym (pre-pandemic), and they know how to have a good time!

Now, they do not post frequently, and I think only one of the twins is active on the channel, BUT the joy of YouTube…you can always go back to older videos, as these workouts are timeless! Some of my favorite videos are the Megan Thee Stallion and Beyonce (duh lol) dance/twerk workouts and honey, I am drenched by the time I’m done!

DanteTheBody FIT

Man, talk about being drenched with sweat. Dante will have you doing just that! I love his videos because they’re around 20-60 minutes and he actually records his classes, so it seems like you’re in the class.

Sometimes I need a video with other people doing the workouts, so I feel a bit social and even a bit competitive, “Ooh, let me see if I can squat lower than her” (am I the only one who does this?) 😂. Anyways, Dante’s energy and motivation throughout the workouts are the best, he speaks like he sees me through the screen!

The Fitness Marshall

Now, this man right here…I don’t think I’ve ever done one video where I have not only sweated but have lost it with nonstop laughter! Caleb Marshall is hands-down the most entertaining workout channel that I follow lol! I also love that he is consistent and always makes new dance fitness routines to current songs and trendy dances! I also love that his assistants (Haley and Allison) do the moves for people of different levels of fitness and diverse body types!

Tara’s Body

Tara is MY girl!! This channel was a surprise late-night find! I think YouTube changed my algorithm and started to show me ads for other fitness channels, and I discovered Tara! The thing that’s unique about Tara’s channel – it’s all in French, as she is from Paris, France!

Now, I know a little French, but I don’t think non-French speakers will have trouble following her! I mean, dance and music are universal languages, am I right? When I tell you she is one of my favorite dance fitness channels…she has such a good variety of dance; from samba to Afro-beats, from reggaeton to salsa…ugh, Tara is so much fun!

Get Fit With Rick

OMG Rick! I’m so happy I found his channel! I love going outside to do my “morning struts” for exactly 45 minutes, however I live in the Chicagoland area…I am not going outside from Dec – Feb unless I HAVE to. Enter Rick’s walking channel! I love his channel because he’s known for his at-home walking videos, and if you are striving to get your daily steps in, I highly recommend his videos.

I love that there is usually a themed musical artist, but what I love the most is that Rick usually tells how many steps you’ll hit per video! One of his most popular videos is his 10k steps video! I mean, 10k steps in a little over an hour – I’m convinced this video aided in my weight loss lol!

His videos are so easy, as you’re just walking in place, and then all of a sudden, you’re done and you’ve gotten most of your steps in for the day! Also…as a single goddess, I’m not going to lie, Rick is great eye-candy!


This channel is all over the place, in the best way! Out of all the channels I’ve highlighted, this channel features so many amazing and truly fun routines from a variety of trainers, choreographers, and dancers! I’m not as loyal to this channel since there isn’t one “personality” to follow, but I have discovered some new trainers to follow from this channel!

I love the variety of dance, yoga, and kickboxing videos on the channel, so whenever I’m in the mood for something different, I’ll see what new workout/trainer POPSUGAR is highlighting!

Heather Robertson

Last but certainly not least, is Heather Robertson! I am trying to incorporate more weights and strength training into my evening workouts, so I’m actually still new to Heather’s channel, but OMG I love it so much! Her videos are about 30 minutes long, so it’s a perfect timeframe!

I usually do GrowWithJo for strength and weights (cause homegirl does it all lol), but I love Heather’s approach to strength training, and I love that she has a lot of full-body workouts. I’m new to strength training and focused on toning, so full-body workouts are good for me at this time! Once I get used to weights again, I’ll start doing more targeted/split workouts 😀.

In making this list, I already know I’m going to have to make a Part 2 because I know I’m missing a few, and I know that I’ll continue to grow my “YouTube Fitness” membership lol! I want to do Pilates, yoga, and stretching as well, so I have so many more YouTube Fitness channels to explore!

What do you think of my list? What fitness channels do you follow on YouTube? As you can see, ya girl is trying to get my body to body, so I am open to following more channels! Let me know!

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