CGS Beauty Picks: 5 Gluten-Free Beauty Products

Nearly one in 100 people around the world require a gluten-free lifestyle. While celiac disease affects plenty of people, gluten-free is typically reserved for diets. However, you may be surprised to learn that the products you put on your face could cause an unwanted reaction. Thankfully, gluten-free beauty products are a thing!

Most beauty products contain gluten or are made in a facility that contains gluten. While beauty products with gluten may not have as big of an effect on you then gluten food, it may be best to avoid it altogether. The CGS Team is sharing 5 amazing gluten-free beauty products from lines you have already heard of. Also, checkout the article 6 Awesome Organic Beauty Products.

Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-in-1 Mascara

Get the Tarte Mascara on Amazon today!

RMS Beauty Champagne Rose Luminizer

Bite Beauty Smashed Agave Lip Mask

Get the Bite Beauty Lip Scrub and Mask on Amazon today!

Ulta Matte Neutrals Eyeshadow Palette

Juice Beauty Phyto-Pigments Luminous Lip Crayon

Related: Organic Beauty Products Worth Trying

Even if you don’t suffer from celiac disease, using beauty products that are natural and contain healthy ingredients is never a bad idea. What are some of your favorite organic or gluten-free beauty products? Have you tried any gluten-free beauty products before? Share your favorites by posting a reply comment below!

-The CGS Team



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