10 Ways to Bounce Back from a Break Up

Break ups are no bueno, yet they can’t always be avoided.  If it were up to me, the ideal world would have no break ups and we would all live in joy and harmony. Many believe the break up is the hardest part, but in fact, it’s the getting over a break up that hurts people the most. To get over a person can seem like the end of the world for many, as for others it can be a breeze. If you believe you’re a person who has a hard time bouncing back from a break up don’t worry, check out these 10 ways to bounce back from a break up, and come out on top.

Indulge in Work

Indulging your time into something that’s not only productive, but can make you more money is always favorable. Dedicate your overtime to working and not stressing over a person who caused you so much pain. Getting over a person who you once cared so much for you can come across tough. Everything probably reminds you of the individual and it’s just hard to shake them from your thoughts.

Use that idle time to catch up on some work or complete some projects that you’ve procrastinated on in the past. Your boss will appreciate the hard work you’ll be putting in, and who knows a raise might be in order. You can also start that side hustle or business you had been putting off.

Hang out with Friends

Relationships come and go, but friends will always be there! The greatest gift in friendships is that no matter what you’re going through, friends will always be there to help you laugh. Bouncing back from a relationship into single life can be difficult and take some time, but with friends beside you, that time that seems like forever will ultimately be a breeze.

Hang out with your friends and enjoy your life with the people who matter most. It’s important to never leave your friends hanging when you’re in a relationship because when everything is said and done its usually your closest friends that will be there to help pick up the pieces right along with you.

Focus on what makes you happy

A lot of times we get distracted with the wrong things, things that usually make us question ourselves. One way in particular to bounce back from a lame relationship is to focus on what makes you happy. If you enjoy painting and being creative then indulge by taking a paint class and let your creative juices flow!

Focusing on what makes you happy is good for your soul. It’s not fair for you to have to bottle yourself up to please others. In many cases, when we are in relationship we tend to subconsciously convert to the other person, and when the break up happens you find yourself asking why you stopped doing the things you used to love so much. Be mindful to pamper yourself with the things that bring joy to you, in doing so it will overpower the negativity of your ex.


Take a break from life and travel somewhere you’ve never been. After a break up, the best thing a person needs is to clear their mind. Enough thinking over what went wrong and more mental healing. In some cases you might have a favorite get away spot that really puts you in the mood to not worry about life stresses. You don’t necessarily have to travel to a place you’ve been to or not, but getting a different view for a change is always pleasant.

Hit the Gym

We have all heard of getting revenge bodies after a break up. Hitting the gym is a great way to bounce back after any break up. You still have all this aggression and thoughts of what could of, should of, and would of. Sweating it off is a great way to keep your mind distracted while still burning those love calories that were once accumulated. It’s also a nice way to subtly get yourself back out there, because at the gym you’ll make more friends. Through the various classes that gyms offer your mind won’t even think twice on what your ex is doing.

Start saying Yes
Typically, when we find ourselves in committed relationships, we take our significant other’s feelings into consideration. The word no may have been a popular word used. Out with the old and that includes the bad habits that were linked to him (or her). In some cases, you probably found yourself saying no to the movies, or no to going to things because you had plans with your love. Now that you’re single, its time you start to say yes. Say yes to hanging with friends, say yes to trying new things, and more importantly say yes to you being happy.

Block Them

Why constantly be reminded of someone or something that has caused you pain? Thank goodness we have the opportunity to block numbers and send emails to spam. A great way to bounce back from a break up is blocking them from contacting you. Blocking an individual who’s toxic or annoying will be like a breath of fresh air. You’ll realize how much happier you are when you don’t hear from people who are negative. Blocking toxic individuals can also go towards your social media. Simply block them on all forms of communication, and we are sure your bounce back game will be strong.

Pick up a new Hobby

If you don’t have a hobby you enjoy doing in your spare time, use this single free time to find something you can be excited about. Poetry, singing, dancing, or maybe you just like to read in your spare time. Do something that you enjoy doing solo or something outside of your comfort zone that you’ve always wanted to try.

Picking up a new hobby is always exciting and can be a total distraction (in a good way).  Whatever your new hobby is, be sure it’s a hobby that you feel is an accomplishment for yourself. There is nothing greater in the world than achieving new heights and learning new things.

Enhance your Look

You’re beautiful in every way, and for whatever reason why things didn’t work out for you and the relationship you were in is okay. After being in a relationship with someone and it ending abruptly, you kind of want to leave the past and everything with that person behind you. Perhaps your hair was red while with the person because they loved red hair, switch it up and go brown. Enhancing your look after a break up can help get your mind off the past and onward to the future. Enhancing your look can range from anything such as adding lash extensions, to a changing your wardrobe. Whatever works for you, just do it!

Call a Hotline

We know what you’re thinking, and yes, calling a hotline can see kind of out there. However, some breakups leave a scar that isn’t easy to heal from. If the relationship was toxic and unhealthy, there is nothing wrong reaching out for help, even if that means calling a hotline anonymously.

Getting the proper help you need to bounce back from a break up is just as important as getting your nails done. Take the time you need to heal, even if that means doing it with someone who has a professional background in abusive, toxic relationships. Understanding that you were in a relationship that wasn’t good for you is the first step, and the second is doing something about it. We’re sure the people you call your friends and family will not judge you and understand your brave decision in reaching out.

Related: 6 Overlooked Relationship Killers

Bouncing back from any break up can be tough. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with a person, a break up is a break up. PERIOD. What’s one thing you do after a break up that helps you clear your mind and refocus on the things that matter? Have you ever tried any of the tips suggested above? Leave a comment below to share your advice and experiences.

The CGS Team



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