Author name: Raya Reaves

Raya Reaves is the Founder and Finance Coach of City Girl Savings, LLC. Raya launched City Girl Savings in 2015 as a resource for women from all walks of life to learn about personal finance and money management. Raya teaches women how to create and stick to realistic budget plans to reach their financial goals. Raya resides in Austin, Texas with her boyfriend and two Yorkie dogs.

8 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success

Regardless of your current situation, you can set yourself up for financial success. There are things you can do to actually take control of your finances. People think they need to make a lot of money to be financially successful, and that’s so far from the truth it’s scary. The thing is, it’s not about […]

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5 Go-To Websites for Starting a Business

When you’re thinking of starting your own business, the overwhelm can take over. Especially when there are so many websites for starting a business. Trust me, I’ve been there. Fortunately, I had experience with small business before starting City Girl Savings. I knew a few of the things that needed to be done before officially

5 Go-To Websites for Starting a Business Read More »

Going Gold

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