Dollar Store Buys You Can Get Away With

99 Cent Store, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, the list of stores that provide just about everything for $1 is never ending. Every city has one, and shopping there doesn’t make you cheap! In fact, there are actually certain dollar store buys that are worth purchasing as cheap as possible. On the contrary, some things should be invested in – dollar store leather (if that even exists) would be a big no-no.

The CGS Team is sharing 5 commonly used items that can be purchased from the dollar store without shame. If you don’t need to spend a fortune on something, then don’t! The rich stay rich by being frugal where it counts, and you can too!

Cleaning Supplies

Dollar stores are filled with generic-brand cleaning products. Regardless of the brand, cleaning products contain similar ingredients that are required to do the job. Instead of spending a couple of extra dollars on name-brand cleaning supplies, visit your local dollar store and stock up!

When purchasing cleaning supplies, stick with products designed for bath and shower, stain removers, and Clorox-comparisons. It may be best to stay away from dish soap, as they tend to be harsh on hands and lack the suds we are used to.

Seasonal Décor

The great thing about buying cheap seasonal décor is that you only need it to last a certain amount of time! If you don’t have any kids and simply want to spruce up a room, consider decorations from the dollar store. They won’t get as much use as everyday items which will allow them to last you a couple of holiday seasons.

Browse all your options before making a purchase. If you have a keen eye, you can find pieces that will look like they came from an exclusive seasonal store. You can also make your own decor! Check out DIY Halloween Décor.

Greeting Cards and Party Favors

Greeting cards, tissue paper, gift wrap paper and bags, party invitations, thank you cards, and paper party items are great items to get from the dollar store. Similar to seasonal décor, these items aren’t used on a consistent basis, so avoiding shelling out extra cash can keep you in budget.

Most discount stores offer a wide variety of greeting cards and party favors to choose from. Get extra gift bags and wrapping paper for the holidays or upcoming birthday parties! Make your own Christmas Cards too! Read DIY Christmas Cards.

Storage Items

Food containers, sandwich bags, baskets for storage, and aluminum containers should be purchased from your local dollar store. Regular grocery and drug stores can charge up to 5x more for storage items. If you cook a lot or take your lunch to work, stocking up on food containers and sandwich bags can save you money in the long run.

Make sure you clean them thoroughly and if for whatever reason they get damaged, you can feel comfortable knowing you got the best deal for them.


Most dollar stores offer a large collection of glass plates, bowls, containers, mugs, cocktail glasses and décor items. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on a dining set from the more expensive stores like Macy’s and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Instead, visit your nearby discount store for some great glasswear items.

You can buy matching sets or alternate colors! Avoid overspending on your glasswear and stick with the dollar store when you need to re-up. If you are throwing a party, stock up on wine and cocktail glasses too!

Related: 7 Things to Buy for Less on Amazon


Luxury is not always the best way to go. Being smart with how much (or little) you spend can make a big difference on your wallet. The items indicated above offer frugal-friendly alternatives that should not be ignored! Are there any items that you purchase at the dollar store on a consistent basis? What items would you refuse to buy on discount? Share your tips, thoughts, and experiences with us by leaving a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

-The CGS Team



8 thoughts on “Dollar Store Buys You Can Get Away With”

    1. Thanks for sharing @rylan-branch You are right – wasted time is much worse than wasted money! If you are throwing a dinner party, seasonal gathering or celebratory event and you need specific items anyways, why not get the most bang for your buck, make it at one-time trip, and stock up? The more you need, the better the trip to the dollar store should sound.

  1. I am obsessed with cleaning and often times I buy my cleaning products from the dollar store. It saves money, it’s a quick stop because the store is smaller, and the products work just the same. I will have to remember to also use the dollar store for the the other items listed above especially holiday decor. Holiday decor could be so expensive and its only used for a short period of time. It would be much smarter to purchase seasonal decor at the dollar store. I will give it a shot for my Christmas decor!

  2. Great article. I am a faithful shopper at the Dollar Tree for all of these things. I will also add for the city girls that wear makeup that their makeup remover wipes are quite nice also…they’re soft and don’t cause breakouts. Just don’t try the exfoliating ones

    1. Great recommendation LaToya! Makeup remover wipes can be expensive at the typical drugstore, so getting it for less (especially when it’s a necessity item) is always a good idea!

  3. I shop at the Dollar Store often for many of the things mentioned. I use the Yuka app that helps you find clean products and I’ve found non toxic body and hand soaps, as well as snacks at the Dollar Tree.

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