10 Cheap Ways to Have Fun this Summer

10 Cheap Ways to Have Fun this Summer

Just because you’re on a budget does not mean you can’t have fun! We’ve already shared 25 things to do instead of spending money, but what about some cheap fun you can have as well?! Check out 10 cheap ways to have fun this summer and feel secure in knowing your financial priorities are still in check.

#1 Have a summer BBQ cook off
It’s summer time and that means BBQs, beach days and fun by the pool! The next time someone throws out the idea of a BBQ, suggest a cook off! Everyone cooks a different BBQ dish or popular BBQ side and make it a contest. The winner gets social media recognition!

#2 Create a vision board

The New Year is the most popular time to think about goals, however summer is in the middle of the year – when your New Year goals are likely forgotten about. Keep those goals front and center by creating a vision board. This can be a fun weekend project to help you stay aligned to what you want most out of life.

#3 Head to a scenic area close by

The United States is a beautiful country, and there is always something to see. Research scenic areas near you and go check them out. Nature can be so rejuvenating and leave you feeling calm and serene. Plus, it’s nice to explore your own area.

#4 Have an evening picnic

Whether you bring your significant other, or your best friend, have an evening picnic! The weather is nice, the fireflies are out, and the stars are bright. Pack a bottle of wine, and some cheese and crackers and enjoy good company outside.

#5 Start a scrapbook from phone pics

Back before cell phones had such great cameras, I brought my digital camera everywhere. I would print the pictures and put them in photo albums. Since I’ve made my iPhone camera the default, pictures have accumulated over the years.

A fun activity could be to create a scrapbook or photo album from all the pictures in your phone. If you have a lot of pictures, like me, this may not be a quick task. Make it a fun project and get creative. Hello, Michael’s for creativity inspiration!

#6 Organize your closet

Okay, I’m sure the thought of organizing your closet doesn’t sound fun, but what if you made it an entire project? The steps could look something like:

  • Go through your closet
  • Clear out old items (sell them or donate them)
  • Organize what’s left
  • Identify what your wardrobe is missing
  • Start piecing missing items together by looking at thrift shops and shopping sales

You will feel so much better knowing what you are working with. You will also make shopping easier because you know what you are missing in your wardrobe.

#7 Host a doggy pool party
We can’t forget about our pups this summer! If you have a pool, or know someone with a pool and a pup, host a doggy pool party! Get all of the pups together for some fun in the sun. The pool well help make sure the dogs don’t get too hot.

#8 Have a culture day

Your last history lesson was probably in college! Get back into learning about culture and history by having a culture day. Most museums host a free ticket day or offer discounts. Do your research then head out to learn more.

#9 Host a board-game night

Instead of going out to eat or heading to a bar, both of which can quickly add up, host a board-game night. Everyone invited must bring their favorite board game. Get some wine and snacks and take it back to younger days. You will be surprised at how much fun you can have with board games!

#10 Throw an artistic food party

Another alternative to going out to eat with friends is to host an artistic food party. The party guests must bring an artistic or creatively made dish. Take it up a notch and make it fancy attire! Snap food pics and friend pics!

Summer doesn’t have to be all about spending money to have fun. Get creative and think outside of the box with the things you can do on a budget! I hope the 10 ideas above give you ahead start to thinking creatively! Do you have any ideas on how to have budget-friendly fun? What do you do when you want to have fun and save money? Post a comment below to share!

The CGS Team



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