#80: 8 Things Everyone Should Be Saving For

Everyone knows they should be saving money, but most people don’t take it a step further and specify what that savings should be for.

I’ve worked with clients who would save money consistently, but never had a strategy around that savings.

There are certain things everyone should be saving for, but it’s not always clear what those things should be.

Don’t get me wrong, saving money just to save money is better than the alternative – not saving money at all, but when you don’t have a purpose for your savings, it can be easy to spend it on things you don’t necessarily need.

If you’re unsure about what to save for, in this episode, I’m sharing 8 things everyone should be saving for over time.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [01:47] In this episode’s City Girl Solutions question, I’m sharing what I think about Dave Ramsey and his teachings.
  • [04:00] Believing that you are capable of achieving the things you want out of life is a huge part of actually achieving them.
  • [08:45] Stop what you’re doing and go contribute to a retirement plan – through your employer (if available) or through an IRA (if your employer doesn’t have a plan).
  • [13:09] A dream vacation is worth saving for. While other priorities may come first, don’t rob yourself of an amazing travel experience.
  • [17:00] One thing that we all should be working towards is a life free of debt.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 53 – My Personal and Business Goals for 2023

Listen to Episode 44 – Why You Need to Think About Retirement Now

Betterment is a great way for beginners to start investing

Listen to Episode 12 – An Introduction to Travel Hacking

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Struggling with your finances? Request a call with me (and get a budget)!

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