7 Ways to Get Promoted at Work

We work so hard to excel at our job, but we seem stuck in the same spot…what gives? While some promotions come faster than others, there are things you can do to tip the scale in your favor and get promoted at work. Every company has a different routine to follow when it comes to promoting current employees, whether it’s in the same department or not. While that may be true, the actions you implement on a daily basis can help you get that promotion. The CGS Team has done some research to pinpoint the most common ways to get promoted at work. Keep reading to see what they are!

Common ways to get promoted at work…

#1 Avoid Office Politics

Every workplace has some form of political chain – it can’t be escaped. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t steer clear. Engaging in office politics or gossip opens the door for potential harm to your representation. You never know who is actually watching, even if it never gets around that you engaged in gossip. Since there is a fine line between engaging in gossip and just being friendly, it’s important to follow rules of office socializing. Read the Dos and Don’ts of Socializing with Colleagues for some additional pointers.

#2 Go Above and Beyond

The person who strives to get promoted at work is the person who offered to take notes during the team meeting, or stayed an extra hour late just to get a project done, or worked on the weekend when management needed the extra help. Going above and beyond does require more time, work, and effort on your end, but it also sets you apart from everyone else. If you truly care about the company you work for and want to excel, you must put in that effort.

#3 Get Your Name Out There

You know that saying “it’s not about what you know, but who you know”? Well, it’s true! You may do the best job possible, but if you are flying under the radar, no one knows all of the great work you did. More importantly, those who aren’t afraid to speak up may be taking more credit than they should. You always want your name to mean something when you aren’t around. This could be through someone knowing you and your work and speaking on your behalf, or always coming up in discussions because of the great work you did.

Ask your manager if there are any projects or tasks they need help with. This could lead to you sitting in on meetings with others. Speak up where possible so people can get accustomed to you and the knowledge/skills you bring to the table. Reach out to people in your team or department and ask a question they would know the answer to. Open the door for lines of communication and pretty soon people will be coming your way.

#4 Keep a Positive Attitude

Nicole Munoz, founder of Start Ranking Now, said it perfectly: “The people who typically get promoted keep their cool under stress. They also act as a role model to everyone around them. They meet deadlines and ask relevant, intelligent questions that help clients be happier with our services. When an issue arises, they want to solve it and work to avoid future problems by learning from their mistakes.”

Being that breath of fresh air makes a huge difference when you’re trying to get promoted at work, especially in a high-stress environment. It can help keep others calm. Positivity spreads (so does negativity), so always keep a smile on your face and the bigger picture in mind.

#5 Take Advantage of Learning Opportunities

You may not know this (or maybe you do), but most companies offer additional forms of learning for their employees. This could come in the form of free classes or workshops, online training, or discount access to learning sites like Lynda.com. If you don’t take the time to find out what learning opportunities are available to you, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Take the advice of The Balance: “If your company offers opportunities for professional development classes, take advantage of as many as you can. If your skills need updating or advancing, take continuing education or college classes. This way, your technical skills will be top level.” Not only will your skills be improved, but you can share the great things you’ve learned with your manager or team. Your ability to take initiative and learn more will speak volumes.

#6 Put Your Best Foot Forward

The goal should always be to deliver 100%. Do your best work, and the rest will come. If you consistently put your best foot forward in all that you do in work (and in life, by the way), you will see the results of that hard work. As your work begins to receive praise from your manager and others, the bar will start to raise. Always keep delivering and set the standard high for yourself.

#7 Offer to Help

Since you are putting your best foot forward and going above and beyond at the office, there will likely be times where you finished a project early, or have some down time. Take this opportunity to offer to help your peers or your manager. Take the initiative to help a peer who may be struggling or falling behind. Not only will you build a positive report with them, you will be seen as a team player. Team players make the best leaders!

Related: 10 Universal Skills Every Career Girl Needs


If you are consistently doing all of the tips above and not seeing any results, it may be time to consider changing jobs. Don’t be afraid to take your talents elsewhere, where they will be appreciated. Have you received a promotion in your professional career? What tips can you share about how you got there? Post a comment below to share with other CGS readers!

-The CGS Team



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