10 Universal Skills Every Career Girl Needs

10 Universal Skills Every Career Girl Needs

When it comes to being successful, nothing happens overnight. Success comes through hard work, consistency and determination. However, according to Career Girl Daily, there are 10 universal skills that are mandatory for a successful career.

We found that we completely agree with the 10 skills identified. Not only will these skills help you in your professional life, but they can help you in your personal life too. We’re sharing these 10 universal skills with you! Read on to find out what they are, courtesy of Career Girl Daily.

Skill #1: Develop passion

Many professionals find themselves working in positions that were offered to them, not necessarily ones that they felt passionate about. Without this emotional attachment to your work, the quality of your product can be negatively affected. So find something you truly love and stick with it.

Skill #2: Be organized

Although working in a cramped cubicle is a recipe for clutter, it can also lead to losing important material and even forgetting about deadlines. Keeping your workspace clean and creating a list of work-related priorities can help you breeze through simple tasks and tackle those that are more difficult.

Skill #3: Stay focused

When challenges arise, it can be easy to avoid attempts at tackling the situation. Or when your to-do list seems longer than your grocery list, you may find yourself jumping from one item to another without fully committing to it or finishing it.

So instead of avoiding certain tasks or becoming overwhelmed by how much you have to do, make small goals and tackle one at a time in order to narrow your focus and enhance your work product.

Skill #4: Communicate effectively

Developing professional communication skills is essential in all business settings. From confronting a co-worker about an issue, to pitching a new idea to your boss, you want to make sure that you express yourself clearly and in a manner that is reflective of your thoughts.

This will ensure that your message will be received well by others and will enhance your chances of a successful outcome.

Skill #5: Think Critically

When inevitable problems or challenges arise, you may be tempted to hand the problem off to someone else. However, developing critical thinking skills that allow for a broadened perspective and added creativity will allow you to successfully navigate troubling situations.

Not to mention, it will also give you an opportunity to learn and demonstrate your smarts to your boss.

Skill #6: Be a team player

Most professional settings require working as a member of a team and collaborating with others. However, working with others can be tricky, especially when conflicting goals or points of view prevent work production.

In order to improve your team member status, connect with others in order to better understand their work and communication styles.

Skill #7: Stay positive

When the going gets tough, remain optimistic! There is a saying, “You are never given challenges that you cannot overcome.” Challenges are not roadblocks. Rather they teach you important lessons or help you develop necessary skills.

Remembering this during trying situations and staying positive will provide you with the ability to turn negatives into positives that will further your professional growth.

Skill #8: Maintain motivation

If you want something, then make it happen despite the obstacles that may get in your way. By staying focused on your goals, making consistent efforts and remaining determined, success will not be far off.

Moments that test your motivation are oftentimes the same moments that will offer opportunity. Check out 7 Ways to Stay Motivated at Work for tips on how to do so.

Skill #9: Take risks

A favorite quote is, “If you want big rewards then you have to take big risks.” Even if failure is possible, you will never know if you are going to succeed unless you try. So shoot for the stars because you may have a million dollar idea. Think big and do big.

Skill #10: Develop self-confidence

If you believe in yourself, this perception will be adopted by others. In other words, they will see you the way you see yourself. So get your shine on and be the person that you want to be.

Not only will this persona actually come to fruition, but you will also gain the confidence needed to believe in your ideas and make them a reality.”

As Seen On: Career Girl Daily

Related: 5 Ideas to Glow Up Your Career

What do you think of the 10 universal skills for success? Do you agree with Career Girl Daily and the CGS Team? Share your thoughts on these skills and any others you think are necessary for a successful life. Leave a comment below and let’s discuss!

-The CGS Team



8 thoughts on “10 Universal Skills Every Career Girl Needs”

  1. This is true! I especially like #10.
    It has to be a passion in something you feel you are good in. In my case, I felt 100% I could write, but I was too worried about what others thought.

    Now, I still appreciate what others think, but instead of allowing the criticisms to tear me down I make the decisions on how to move forward based on, ALL feedback. Confidence can be taught. I had to learn from experience though but I have to admit research and a willingness to listen helps.

    One never stops learning.

  2. I’m stuck at finding something I feel passionate about. Unfortunately, I have tried many different professions some successfully and others simply weren’t for me. It has been difficult finding a career that fits my personality, skill set and really brings out my best in the workplace. So my question is what can I do besides trying another hundred occupations that will bring me closer to my goal of doing a job I’m excited about every day.

  3. “Career GIRL?” There are no articles anywhere about “Career BOYS.” Haven’t we struggled long enough to all use the word WOMAN? OMG.

    1. The site is called City Girl Savings and she references a site called “Career Girl Daily”, it would appear to be more of a play on words to stay on brand and give a nod to the referenced site. Girl/Woman/Female, it shouldn’t matter, you’re missing the point of the overall article.

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