6 Signs You Need a Vacation

Have you been feeling easily irritated lately? Burnt out from the various tasks of the day? These feelings are just a few of the signs telling you that you need a vacation to help you distress.

The signs you need a vacation are real! Everyone needs relaxation time to clear their head and take a detour from the routine of everyday life.

According to the Huffington Post, Tony Schwartz, CEO of The Energy Project said, “Giving employees significant time to take a break will help them be renewed and come back to work even stronger.”

Whether your employer gives you 1 week of vacation or 4 weeks, you always want to make sure that you are taking time for yourself and getting that break you deserve.

It’s YOUR vacation time, so use it! Don’t overwork yourself! The CGS team has looked up 6 warning signs that could be telling you to pump the brakes because you need a vacation!

Sign 1: You Can’t Concentrate

When all you think about is work, you can easily lose focus of other aspects of life. If you find yourself not making efforts on tasks or duties other than work, this is a sign that you need a vacation!

Balance in work and personal life is key to living in harmony. Certain projects can keep you at the office late but knowing when to stop and gratify your personal or me time is crucial! Make it a point to schedule free time into your schedule to prevent overwhelming plan throughout the week.

Sign 2: You’re Sleep Deprived

Not getting enough sleep is unhealthy physically and mentally. Going to bed tired and waking up even more tired is a sign that you’re depriving yourself from good sleep. Sleep is important to have if you plan to work your body to its full capability.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is essential for health and wellbeing, and lack of sleep can interfere with daily activities. It’s important to stay in tune with your body, and to pay attention to how much sleep you get.

Sign 3: You’re Always Negative

Have you noticed that you’ve been irritable lately and people are avoiding you? If your friends and coworkers keep mentioning you’re more negative than usual, then it might be time you start planning your vacation! Long hours in the work place can effect on your attitude, and not in a good way.

Pan a 3-4 day getaway in advance. Go somewhere new and experience things that you’ve always wanted to. Traveling is a sure way to let loose and recharge! Also, you could be negative without even knowing it, so make sure you are practicing self-awareness!

Sign 4: Vacationing Is Always On Your Mind

Have you been looking up a particular spot that you’ve been wanted to vacation at for a while? Has it begun to look more and more enticing? If going on a vacation seems to be the only thing on your mind lately, you should plan a vacation.

Meeting deadlines at work can get iffy if your focus is elsewhere. Listen to your body and give it the break it needs!

Sign 5: You’re Not Productive

Work, work, work is not always great. A person who works 24/7 usually finds their free time to be unproductive. If you’re always on the phone or behind a desk, your productivity will decline.

Whether you’re snacking on unhealthy foods while creating documents or constantly updating your Facebook status instead of hitting deadlines, being unproductive is time wasted. A vacation is like hitting the reset button on your productivity!

Sign 6: You Have No Social Life

Besides your coworkers that you eat lunch with everyday, you must have a social life outside of work. Conversations amongst coworkers always tend to drift back to work.

Having a social life outside of work will let your mind be free of having to problem solve issues in the office. If you realize you go to and from work without being social with friends and family, it’s time you start considering a vacation.

Related: Maximizing a Vacation, Before to After.

Taking vacation is always beneficial! As the saying goes work hard play hard! If you’re putting in work then you deserve to take a vacation and clear your mind.

Is there somewhere that you have wanted to visit for a while? What city is next on your list to explore? Comment below!

-The CGS Team



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