Maximizing a Vacation Before to After

The benefits of a vacation are amazing, but what about before and after? Maximizing a vacation from start to finish makes for a great time off! Summer is quickly coming to an end and that means back to school, back to work, and back to the daily grind. Getting back to the daily routine doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. With the right mindset, you can fight the return-to-life blues and reboot. The CGS Team is sharing what you can do to make the most of the before, during and after of your vacation.

Before Your Vacation

There are a lot of things you can do before your vacation to make sure your time is well spent. First, give yourself plenty of time to plan and prepare. Regardless of how close or how far you go for a vacation, proper planning needs to happen. If you are going to a different city, do you know what you will be doing? Having at least a general idea ahead of time will allow you to pack what you need, prepare a budget, and enjoy what’s coming.

Another important thing to do before your trip is to plan a safe return date. If you have to be at work or school on Monday, returning from your vacation on Sunday will not give you enough time to reboot. Come back at least a day or two early so you have time to get organized, unpack and allow yourself the chance to get into work/school mode. Your after-vacation self will thank you!

During the Vacation

The whole point of a vacation is to get away and unwind. Even if you just take time off and don’t actually go anywhere, there is a need to break from the daily routine and refresh your life. The best way to do this is to detach yourself from your normal world. Do you have a habit of checking work emails when you aren’t working? Do you spend hours scrolling through social media? Make it a point to avoid looking at work emails. If there is an emergency then by all means, but if there isn’t a need to check in, avoid it!

Social media may be a little bit harder to stop while on vacation. You don’t want to be glued to your phone when you could be maximizing the experience of your getaway. We aren’t saying don’t take and post pictures, even we do that! We are simply saying to avoid the scrolling, avoid the need to see what’s happening in the social media world, and just enjoy every moment of your vacation.

If you are one of those people that likes to think of the future, try not to worry about your vacation ending. Thoughts like “I’m so sad, only 2 days left” will only bring a saddening feeling to a time that should be strictly reserved for positivity. You will have plenty of time to reminisce of your vacation when you get back to work, so don’t do it before it has even ended!

After the Vacation

If at all possible, avoid scheduling a lot of work or meetings on your first few days back. The last thing you want to happen on your first day back is to be swamped with clients, meetings and projects, on top of an overflowing inbox. This could easily reverse the effects of your vacation refresh, which is exactly what you don’t want to happen.

To continue the vacation vibe after the vacation is over, glance over any pictures or videos you took. Doing so will send those wonderful happy feelings to your brain. If you made a playlist during the trip, listen to the songs on your way to work or school. Go outside on your breaks to get some fresh air in your lungs and restart the energizing feelings that you had on vacation.

Related: 7 Travel Rules to Follow Religiously

Returning from a vacation doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Prepping yourself for the return before and during your vacation will help you come back with a positive mindset. Just knowing you have some additional time for yourself will make all the difference! Do you have any tips or routines for planning a vacation? What do you do to make the most of the experience? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below!

-The CGS Team



3 thoughts on “Maximizing a Vacation Before to After”

  1. Great article!! It’s so true about planning ahead and giving yourself time to recover when you come back from vacation. I also think you should make sure you take people with you that you will enjoy so hat it is surely a vacation!

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