#57: How to Spark Inspiration Within Yourself

Have you wanted to travel, start a business, or take up a new hobby but found yourself lacking inspiration?

Don’t wait for some unknown thing to bring you motivation, spark creativity within yourself!

There’s no better time than the New Year to get yourself motivated to reach goals, venture into the unknown, and ultimately make positive life changes!

In this episode, I’m sharing a few ideas to help you spark inspiration within yourself to make forward movement towards the things that matter most to you.

The good news is that you don’t need a new year to spark inspiration…but the “fresh start” energy certainly helps!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:15] Whatever you want in life right now doesn’t have to be your end goal. You can give yourself permission to change your mind as life moves forward.
  • [03:48] Want to create a vision board? Host a vision board party with your friends!
  • [07:35] I love physical books, but I also love the convenience that comes with an audio book. I’m sharing some of my audio book recommendations.
  • [09:45] When you appreciate what you currently have, your focus is no longer on what you don’t have. That shift in perspective makes all the difference.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 13 – 7 Questions to Ask to Determine What You Want Out of Life

Listen to Episode 51 – Fearlessly Chasing a Life You Love with Madison Anaya

Listen to Episode 12 – An Introduction to Travel Hacking with Elina Geller

Audio Books I recommend: The 12-Week Year, The Gap and the Gain, Practicing the Power of Now, and The Power of Positive Thinking

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