4 Ways to Fix Dry Skin

As the winter season comes to an end, your skin may be as dry as ever! Fortunately, in the winter, you are bundled up and only those at home can see. As spring approaches, no one wants a lack of moisture to keep them from showing a little skin! The CGS Team is sharing 4 ways to fix dry skin, just in time for the sun! If the cold isn’t going anywhere in your city, check out Protecting Your Skin From the Cold for keeping your skin radiant in the winter.

Moisturize Immediately After the Shower

Within the first 3 minutes of getting out of the shower or bath, your skin is most susceptible to taking in moisture and keeping it. Any longer, you run the risk of losing all the moisture your skin took in while wet. We love Jergens Ultra Healing Body Lotion because it keeps your skin moisturized all day long, especially when applied right after the shower.

Get Thick With It

According to dermatologist Diane L. Kallgren of Boulder, Colorado, “watery, scented lotions are next to useless for dry skin.” While scented lotion has its perk, thanks to the fragrance, it doesn’t do too much for relieving your dry skin. Opt for thicker creams. In fact, petroleum jelly is perfect for relieving dry skin. It has more benefits too! Read 7 Awesome Ways to Use Vaseline to learn more. If petroleum jelly is too greasy for you, try a heavy cream like Eucerin.

Take a Milk Bath

Thanks to lactic acid and other anti-inflammatory ingredients, milk is great for relieving dry, itchy skin. Mix a quart of milk into luke-warm bath water and soak for at least 5 minutes. You can also pour milk into a bowl and use a washcloth to apply it to your skin. There are also bath soaps you can use that contain milk. Here are a few great options:

Watch How You Shave
Shaving can quickly irritate dry skin. In fact, when you shave the hair off of your body, you are taking the natural oils with it.  According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the best time to shave is after the shower, when your hair is softer and easier to remove. Avoid using a dull razor which can add to the irritation. Also, change out your razors often to avoid unwanted bacteria getting into nicks and cuts.


Bye bye dry skin! With these 4 easy hacks, you can get rid of scaly, dry skin and welcome soft, moisturized skin, just in time for summer! One thing to note, if the remedies above don’t work, or your skin peels and bleeds, consult a dermatologist.  What are some of your favorite lotions or products to relieve dry skin? Share your favorite dry skin remedies by leaving a comment below.

-The CGS Team



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