33 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Save More Money

You’ve probably already realized this by now, and if you haven’t, you will – living a life of frugality, being smart about your spending, and managing your money is a lifestyle. If you haven’t practiced consistent budgeting and spending control, you haven’t made the lifestyle change yet. That’s perfectly fine, however the longer you put off the change, the longer until you reach the success you’re looking for.

While lifestyle changes are for the long haul, they don’t have to be a pain in the neck. The CGS Team has compiled a list of feasible lifestyle changes you can start making immediately to help you save more money. These simple lifestyle changes to save more money are easier than you think. Just keep reading to find out!

Simple lifestyle changes to save more money include:

  1. Hide your credit cards so you can stop using them.

  2. Use an app, like Mint or EveryDollar, to budget.

  3. Set up routine automatic savings transfers, even if it’s only $10.

  4. Keep your spare change in a jar. Deposit the change into your account when the jar is full.

  5. Get rid of expensive cable and switch to Neflix or Hulu only.

  6. Cook easy recipes at home and take the leftovers to work for lunch.

  7. Never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach.

  8. Research sales and coupons before shopping for things you need.

  9. Switch to a credit union or online savings account to avoid fees and earn more in interest.

  10. Brew your own coffee at home. Check out our homemade cold brew recipe.

  11. Keep the lights off when possible to conserve energy.

  12. Skip meat every other week to save on your grocery bill.

  13. Invest in a crock pot – the bigger, the better.

  14. Downsize your closet and put old items for sale on Poshmark.

  15. Take advantage of the library to rent books or movies.

  16. Stay up to date on your oil changes to help avoid big maintenance costs down the line.

  1. Reduce the talk, text and data plan on your cell phone, or switch companies.

  2. Only use your HSA or FSA for health-related expenses.

  3. Always spend with a purpose. Avoid impulse or unnecessary purchases.

  4. Take public transportation whenever you can.

  5. Shop generic with your food and medication.

  6. Avoid window-shopping or putting yourself in a tempting position to spend.

  7. Switch to online bill pay to save on checks and stamps.

  8. Drink water and invest in a high-quality bottle.

  9. Put extra, unexpected bursts of income straight to savings.

  10. Think about how you can make more money on the side, and get started.

  11. Shop at stores that always offer rewards or cash back incentives.

  12. Recruit a friend to budget with you – accountability goes a long way.

  13. Consider an app like Digit to help you save more without any effort.

  14. Use GasBuddy to find the best-priced gas near you.

  15. Wash your own car, instead of paying someone.

  16. Buy your produce at the farmer’s market.

  17. Avoid processed foods where possible – they are more expensive and not good for your health.


The lifestyle changes listed above aren’t hard! Print out this page and cross each item off the list as you achieve it. All of these changes add up over time, so don’t wait to start saving. Have you made any lifestyle changes when it comes to your money and spending? Share your lifestyle changes and tips by leaving a comment below.

-The CGS Team



2 thoughts on “33 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Save More Money”

  1. I switched to a different energy supplier that offers lower rates and a free energy incentive. This allows me to continue to use the same amount of energy, but pay less. I have been able to lower my energy bill for the last six years, after I switched. It was very quick, easy, no cost, and nothing changed with my service.

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