Series: 3 Big Signs Your Budget Isn’t Working Like it Should Be

Series Video 2: 3 Big Signs Your Budget Isn’t Working Like it Should Be


I don’t want you to give up on budgeting!

The truth is budgeting is not one-size-fits all. Budgeting is all about trial and error.

You’re not always going to be perfect with your budget.

I mean…I’m a budget coach, and I don’t always get it right!

That means you have permission to let your budget be a work in progress.

If your budget isn’t working, I want you to first rule out the 3 big signs I cover in the video.

These are things that you may not even think of that can seriously lead to budget failure.

Once you know these signs, you can actively work to fix them!

This video will leave you with the knowledge you need to turn your budget around, and keep you on top of things if these signs ever pop up in your future budgets!

I hope this video gave you instant insight into why your budget isn’t working right now.

Now that you know, you can start making some changes to get your budget back on track!

Download the free Monthly Budget Overview Tracker to get all of your income and expenses in the right format!

The CGS Team



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