NBCLX + Raya Reaves Segment – Students & Money

I was fortunate enough to be featured on NBC’s Digital Platform NBCLX to talk about money-saving tips for high school seniors and college graduates! Watch the video below to check out my tips for students, when it comes to their money!

Tips for HS Seniors:
  • If you’re taking out student loans, only take what you need as they may offer you more than you truly need. Be mindful to only spend loan disbursements on school and living related costs (not on fun).
  • Create a simple budget as early as possible. If you don’t know what you’ll spend yet, give yourself goal amounts to strive for. Going into college with numbers helps you feel more in control.
  • If possible, try to work a part-time job or side hustle while in school. The money you earn can help you enjoy life and build a savings.
  • Apply for a student credit card, only after your budget is created. Only spend what you can afford to pay off in full.


Tips for College Grads:
  • As soon as you’re able to contribute to your company’s retirement plan. If no retirement plan option is available, open an IRA through a financial institution and start contributing.
  • If student loans or excess credit card usage left you with low credit, focus on building it back up. Your goal should be to pay off debt. You can also leverage Self’s Credit Builder Account to help improve your credit score and history.
  • Save something every paycheck. Create a budget to understand what you can realistically afford to save without touching it.
  • The more money you make, the more tempted you may be to spend. Set short-term and long-term financial goals early on, allocate money towards those goals, then spend out of what’s left over.
The CGS Team



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