Daniella’s Finance Journey: Week 1

The CGS Team is excited to introduce a new column in the City Girl Savings community! Daniella’s Finance Journey outlines the financial experiences that CGS member @daniellacoin is going through as she works with the CGS Financial Consultant to get on financial track. Daniella has graciously offered to share her journey to help inspire and motivate others to take control of their financial lives! Check back each week for an update from Daniella!

Daniella’s Share:

“Only two more days until payday, I can do this.

Hi, I’m Daniella and I am a client of City Girl Savings, a budget counseling service. I have had issues properly managing my money since I started making money, and now as a 25 year old living on her own for the first time, it hit me that I can’t sustain a living like this.

I want to preface this article by saying I was never asked to write for City Girl Savings. I volunteered to write articles throughout savings journey. I realize that I am going through a difficult journey and I want to share my experiences. I know I am not the only person dealing with these issues. You are not alone. At the very least, I’m right there with you.

So first, you’re probably wondering what made me decide to actually pay for this type of service. I currently have $9 in my checking account, two maxed out credit cards, and various bills and expenses. Not to mention, my car broke down and I can’t even afford an $11 Uber to church. I really just feel at the end of my rope and want to be better.

I have been a client of City Girl Savings for about a month now. If I’m being honest, I feel like I have been saying “I have a budget adviser now” and meaning “I asked for help, the change starts and stops there.” At this point, I haven’t changed anything about my spending, but I’ve realized that I need to do so immediately. The thought of a budget adviser has been my crutch. I feel better about my situation, but if I’m not listening, nothing will change. Going through the pile of receipts I ignored for a month and a half, I truly realize that I need to get control. No, sitting home because I am $2 shy of an $11 Uber ride has me saying I need to get control!

So what now? Well, I’m going to actually listen and act on the advice given. I have a goal to be debt free by the end of the year (which will be a lot of sacrifice), but next year I will be able to plan a (well-deserved) vacation. One thing I did successfully was survive these past two weeks without going into my savings. That is a major feat for me. Previously, if I deposited $100 into my savings I would have withdrawn $50 that same day, then two easy withdrawals of $25 within the next 24 hours. Then, back to broke two days after “saving money”. It helps being accountable to my CGS finance consultant.

I’m hoping, through City Girl Savings, to be one of those people who can have something spur of the moment pop up and actually have the resources to handle it. I want to be financially savvy, but still fabulous. I ALSO WOULD LIKE TO AFFORD AN $11 UBER.

So I will see you guys next week with an update, post payday. My goal is to add money to my savings, take out cash for spending, and to not dip back into my savings account.

If you read this post, thank you! Comment below, “What moment made you realize you need to take care of your finances better?”

Until next week!”


About Daniella…

Daniella is a 25 year old working millennial living in Dallas, TX. Daniella is originally from New York and has moved to Dallas to start a life of adulthood on her own. She currently works as an administrative assistant and has a passion for make-up! Feel free to leave a comment with any thoughts or questions for Daniella.



8 thoughts on “Daniella’s Finance Journey: Week 1”

  1. I found this so encouraging! Her issues are very similar to any young adult’s. I’m looking forward to following her story as she inspires me to forge through my own budgeting struggles. I’m rooting for you, Daniella!

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