Textured Waves

Beauty How-Tos: Textured Waves

Whether you’re obsessed with Farrah Facet curls, or the glamorous Beyoncé waves, with the help of Rowenta Beauty USA, the CGS team has put together a how to guide for achieving the perfect textured waves you’ve been wanting. With just a few simple steps you’ll be turning heads in no time.

All you need are the right tools, a steady hand, and viola! You’ve got the beautiful textured waves in no time. The tools you’ll need to achieve this how-to look are: blow dryer, hairspray, heat protection oil, straightener and/or curling iron, whichever you prefer.

How to get textured waves

Step #1


First and foremost, start with clean hair and make sure it is completely dry. If you just finished washing it, you can let your hair air dry but if you’re in a hurry, try using a blow dryer to speed up the drying process. Once your hair is fully dry, part your hair into 4 sections, 2 on top and 2 on bottom, to make it easier for yourself when you begin curling.

Step #2

After your hair has been divided, apply heat protection to each section to protect your hair from the heat of the curling iron. Start at the roots and lightly moisturize into hair until reaching the end. When curling, remember to curl 1 inch of hair from each section at a time to ensure the heat is evenly stroking your hair. You will start from one side of your head and work your way to the other side.

Step #3


Using your choice of either flat iron or curling iron, vertically grab the 1 inch pieces of your hair. Depending on which side you started, your dominant thumb should be facing outwards. To complete the curl, twist your hand in a half circle away from your face to create the perfect textured curl. You’ll want to repeat these steps for each parted section of hair.

Step #4


After your hair has been fully curled, grab your choice of hairspray or texture spray and spritz your curls. Using the tips of your fingers, gently break up the curls. The light movement of your fingers will loosen the curl and create a wavy texture. Start at the top of your scalp for volume, and work your way down through the curls. Once your waves are as tight or loose as you prefer, add additional spray for extra staying power.


Related: Amazing Treatments for Natural Hair

No matter how long or short, thin or thick your hair is, getting your lovely lady locks perfected is an important part of a woman’s daily routine. The only difference is the time in which you’ll be done. Shorter hair tends to be quicker while longer strands take a little more time. Don’t let that discourage you though, if you have longer locks then just plan accordingly!

Please share what tips you love to do when curling your hair. The CGS Team loves to hear from you, so feel free to comment below and let’s chat!

-The CGS Team



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