CGS Exclusive Interview: Beauty YouTuber Amy Maree Comber

The CGS Team is excited to present you an exclusive interview with YouTube Make-up Tutorialist Amy Maree Comber! Even being a resident of Australia, Amy is known around the internet for her flawless make-up applications.

Bronze eyes, dark red lips, contouring and highlighting are just a few of the YouTube videos where Amy shows how to nail these looks. Amy has over 3,500 YouTube subscribers and over 60,000 Instagram followers! We were lucky enough to get an exclusive interview with Amy. She talks beauty, make-up, and more with City Girl Savings!

CGS: How did you get started doing your own make-up? What inspired you to start doing YouTube videos showcasing your make-up skills?

Amy: I’ve always been a lover of makeup and I’ve always loved doing it, on myself or on one of my girlfriends before we’d go out. I would get compliments about my makeup before I even started posting “makeup based posts.”

I first started on Instagram: I did my own make up anyway when I’d go out, so I would just snap it and post it. It then evolved to doing my makeup even when I wasn’t going out, washing it off, and then doing another look so I always had something to post.

I took the YouTube plunge for two reasons:

  • I was already doing my makeup and posting photos so I knew I could definitely film myself and share my own tips and tricks.
  • I got a lot of interest in Instagram about why I don’t have a YouTube channel.
CGS: Do you have a specific “go-to” brand of make-up? What are your top 3 favorite make-up brands?

Amy: I would have to say I don’t have a go-to brand, as lots of different cosmetic brands have certain products that work well for me. However if I am at the shops, I do gravitate towards looking at NARS products.

AHHHH this is like choosing between children. If I had to choose my top three brands right now they would be:

  • Velour Lashes (I use them in nearly every look I do, I just haven’t found any other lash brand that I love as much)
  • Girlactik (they are an all-round great makeup brand with their infamous lip paints, face glow and star gloss!)
  • Zoeva (I am obsessed with their brushes and the story palettes)
CGS: Beauty is not just about looking good, but feeling good. Do you have any habits that help you feel good about your skin, body and mind?

Amy: I do! I’ve figured out what works best for my skin, so I have a certain routine down pat (which I will do a tutorial on very soon, I promise). I’d have to say there’s nothing like an early morning workout followed by a hot shower and moisturizing.

I only moisturize with body oils as I feel it’s what makes my skin look glowing and dewy all day. For my mind, I love switching off and relaxing with yoga BUT there’s nothing more therapeutic than doing makeup and having the person absolutely beaming with confidence after.

CGS: City Girl Savings is all about women becoming financially independent, while maintaining their sense of style. In your opinion, how important is it for women to save?

Amy: From 9am – 6pm, I am in finance, so my job and studies have taught me how important it is to budget and make sure there is always a “rainy day” fund! To me saving is an essential part of life.

I have a savings account where it is purely savings and cannot be touched unless it’s for a huge item (e.g. car, house, etc.) and I have a second savings account where I save for a certain thing I want (e.g. Holiday, emergencies, that new shiny Givenchy bag) 😉

Being an independent woman, I believe you have to work hard for the things you want and truly deserve them. Enjoy life but don’t go so much into debt that you’re still paying off that big fat European trip two years down the track when you’re already on another holiday.

CGS: Make-up products can get pretty expensive. Do you have any money-saving tips or practices when it comes to purchasing make-up?

Amy: Living in Australia, I think you automatically look for cheaper items online, the shops here have ridiculously inflated prices. So that would be my number one tip, if there is a specific product you want, always research the cheapest way to buy it.

Most websites these days have coupons, if you google the company and search coupon codes, chances are they might have a coupon code. Who wants to pay normal prices anyway??

Another tip is read reviews!!! Just because a product works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for you, so I love reading reviews to get a broader perspective of what people think.

CGS: What are your skin, make-up, and beauty “must haves”?

Amy: I’m going to just choose one from each category because if I listed all my must haves, we would be here all night.

For my skin, I know this is a little excessive but I MUST HAVE two different skin care routines. Why? Because our skin and hair get use to the same products when used all the time.

Have you ever used something and it’s amazing at first and the benefits wear off with time? Or you have used a product which has made you break out then after a few uses, the breakouts stop? This is the reason why. I do try new products but I also stick with the same products, just rotate them every two to three weeks.

Makeup, I think a flawless clean base is a MUST HAVE! When you have a gorgeous base everything else you apply on your eyes, lips, cheeks, just POPS! Know your skin and how different products complement it!

Experiment with different products and methods of application. It also doesn’t have to cost you a fortune, MANY stores give out samples in little containers straight from the testers.

CGS:If you only had 15 minutes to apply your make-up, what would you put on?

Amy: I actually can do my everyday basic makeup in 15 minutes. I always make sure my skincare routine is done and then primed. For foundation, in summer I use powder and in winter I can get away with creams and liquids because I’ve got oily skin.

With powder, I feel I don’t get as oily throughout the day especially when I’m busy. There’s always time to make sure my under eyes are bright and concealed and my cheeks are contoured with bronzer and blush. Then fill in my brows and coat my lashes with mascara!

CGS:What beauty advice would you give women trying to look good on a budget?

Amy: There are SOOOO many affordable brands out there with great quality products! Read up on their reviews just to make sure you’re not going to purchase a whole lot from there and not be able to use it.

Be sure to have one of every essential item in your makeup kit that you can call your holy grail because if I could, I would buy every foundation there is on the market, and not much else (I’ve got a slight obsession with foundation).

Smile! It’s free and exudes so much more beauty than any product you can buy!

Follow Amy!

Check out Amy’s YouTube Channel for all of her make-up tutorials! Stay up to date with Amy by following her on social media!

YouTube:Amy Maree Comber

Instagram: @AmyMareeComber


Related: 12 Things Every Makeup Newbie Needs

What do you think of Amy’s makeup tips? Let us know in the comments below!

—The CGS Team



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