6 Ways to Spark Inspiration

Have you wanted to travel, start a business, or take up a new hobby but found yourself lacking inspiration? Don’t wait for some unknown thing to bring you motivation, spark creativity within yourself! There’s no better time than the New Year to get yourself motivated to reach goals, venture into the unknown, and ultimately make positive life changes! The CGS Team is letting the New Year inspire us and we want you to do the same! We’re sharing 6 ways for you to spark inspiration and creativity, and get inspired to do what you have always wanted!

#1: Create a Vision Board

Inspiration works best when something is fueling it. What do you want to achieve this year? Do you want to start your own blog or business? Do you want to get in shape? Do you want to make more money?

Think about all of the things that you want to accomplish this year and create a vision board. Vision boards are visual representations of the things you want most.  Seeing what you want helps keep you inspired to work towards those things.  Check out the Vision Board Basics article for some more information on vision boards.

#2: Travel Solo

Not sure of what you want out of life? Take a trip with just yourself to somewhere you’ve never been. Even if it’s the next town over, getting out of your normal comfort zone will help bring on thoughts and aspirations that may have been waiting to come out.

Research a quiet, nice restaurant and a site-seeing activity and treat yourself to a day of being alone.  Keep your mind open to your surroundings and really give some thought to where you see yourself in the next month, year, and 5 years. Read 6 Ways to Become a Successful Solo Traveler for more tips!

#3: Switch to an Audio Book

Next time you are at the gym or driving to work, switch your music out with an inspiring audio book. It may take some getting used to, but listening to the positive words of others can help motivate you to do what you’ve always wanted to do. Here are a few popular inspirational audio books we love:

#4: Ask Away

Ask friends, family members or co-workers what their goals are and what projects they are currently working on. Not only will this show your interest in their lives, their responses may spark motivation in you.

It’s wonderful to hear our friends and family bettering themselves! Be that friend that is inspired by that and inspire them as well. When you surround yourself with people who are going places, you will be motivated to do the same.

#5: Practice Gratitude

It may seem like an unlikely way to spark inspiration, but practicing gratitude on a daily basis allows you to acknowledge the positive things in your life and show your appreciation.

When you appreciate what you currently have, you’re not focusing on what you don’t have. Let that gratitude push you to want more, in a positive way.  Wake up each day and make a mental list of what you are grateful for. You can also try writing your list down in a gratitude journal.

#6: Put a Positive Spin on It

The power of positivity is an amazing thing. If you don’t believe us, check out the audio book above! When you seeing things in a positive light, the world is your oyster! You see all of the things you can achieve, as opposed to the things you may never get. The next time you find yourself negative or wanting to complain, put a positive spin on it.

Here’s an example.  Instead of saying “I hate my job”, say “this job is allowing me to see what I do and don’t want from a career, and I’m getting paid in the interim!” It’s not an easy practice, but with time it will become a habit. Your world will change for the better when you become positive.  Check out 6 Reasons Why It Pays to Be Positive for more reading on the subject.


You can spark creativity and inspiration, even if you feel it lacking! Sometimes you have to do things you’ve never done to get different results! What are some ways you find inspiration? Do you have any motivational resources to share with the community? Leave a comment below to share!

-The CGS Team



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