#83: How to Live Your Best Life this Summer

Ah, summertime. Beach days. Long nights. Sun rays.

Maybe it was the fact that summer vacation when we were little was a great time, but even as an adult, I always look forward to summer.

While I no longer get summer vacations like I did in grade school, I still love to make the most of the summer season.

In this episode, I’m sharing how you can live your best life this summer (and any summer after).

I want you to enjoy your summer, while being smart with your budget! Let’s dive in!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [03:00] It’s no secret that visiting all 50 states is a life goal of mine. In this City Girl Solutions segment, Kelsey asks which state I want to visit the most…and what I think of North Dakota!
  • [05:40] Before considering summer vacations in a new place, think about all of the things that happen in your own city for the summer.
  • [09:00] Visiting nearby cities can make for a wonderful summer vacation that helps you avoid going over-budget.
  • [13:31] Live your best life this summer by channeling your inner-child and visiting theme parks or water parks!
  • [16:11] To help you budget better during the summer, allocate more to your fun spending category, even if it means reducing other categories.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 30 – Vacation Planning on a Budget

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