6 Ways to Love the Skin You’re In

With beauty advertisements on every corner, the beauty standard seems increasingly high to meet. Not to mention the use of photo editing, filters and whatever else! It’s immensely important to understand balance in life. Balance in terms of what real beauty is versus what social media and television chalks it up to be. You have to love the skin you’re in, above all else!

Beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder, so let’s prioritize our own standard of beauty…starting with your own skin. Keep reading for 6 ways to love the skin you’re in!

6 ways to love the skin you’re in

#1 Alter your focus 
It’s easy to focus on our flaws, but when you alter your focus to your strengths, you feel much more confident. Everyone has insecurities about themselves. The bigger you make something, the louder it becomes. I’m sure the insecurity you are most concerned with is probably the one thing people find most beautiful about you! Funny how that works.

Altering your focus to your strengths will not only stop you from standing in your own way, but it will allow you to love yourself like never before. It’s not easy silencing the noise of your insecurities but taking it day by day will help you see the beauty in your own eyes.

#2 Embrace Imperfection

There is no such thing as perfect. We are all made uniquely and beautifully in our own way. We’re humans, not some plastic toy. Perfection is for those who have fallen victim to unrealistic norms. Delete the idea of imperfection being something bad and shameful.

Let go of needing to measure up and appreciate where you are. Sure, you have a few breakouts when you’re stressed or because Aunt Flow is in town. Don’t we all?! Your body is yours to take care of, through the good and the bad. Therefore, those imperfections are kind reminders to be gentle with yourself.

#3 Talk it Out

Sometimes expressing your frustration can help release the negativity you may have surrounding the issues with yourself or your body. Believe it or not, you’re not the only one who is experiencing these same struggles. There are good days and bad days for all of us. Loving the skin you’re in is more than what meets the eye.

When you can openly converse in a safe space about the struggles you face, your tribe may be able to lend some useful tools that have helped them with a similar issue. The topic of conversation should not make you feel less than or unattractive by any means, but to empower you to talk through your worries and overcome!

#4 Be Mindful 
Being mindful is one of the most impactful ways to love the skin you’re in. Practicing positive affirmations in the morning prior to starting your day is a great way to stay mindful while being proactive. Words are powerful and what you say to yourself you believe.

Simply repeating “I love the skin I’m in” will change the perspective you have on how you view yourself. Being mindful is great, especially for boosting self-esteem. The way you carry yourself begins with your thoughts and the mindfulness you display.

#5 Stay Responsible

After a long night out with the girls, don’t forget to wash the makeup off. Seriously, taking care of your skin is a crucial form of self-love! It’s so important to stay responsible and make sure your face-washing routine is consistent. Washing your face twice a day will totally give you the results you want.

Being responsible with your skincare routine will help you feel confident and secure. Don’t skip a wash day because your skin is sensitive and should be cared for responsibly. One final piece of advice: avoid things that break you out! If a certain cleanser is making your skin irritable, be responsible and toss it!

#6 Ditch the Comparisons

We are all beautiful in our own way! Repeat that over and over until you believe it. The worst thing you could ever do is compare yourself to another. You are you! Therefore, keeping in mind genetic makeup, skin type and your own sensitivities – it isn’t fair to compare yourself to the next person.

Loving the skin you’re in is beneficial because it’s all yours! You wear your beauty and should wear it proudly. Whether you realize it or not, there are so many people who secretly wish they had features you have. They may not say it, but while you’re comparing yourself to the next person, the next person is dreaming of having something you have. Stop comparing because it will only make you stress more!

Related: 5 Small Skincare Tweaks to Glow All Day

You are beautiful just the way you are. I’m going to repeat that for the folks in the back because you are beautiful just the way you are! What ways have you found useful in loving yourself? Don’t forget to tune in to our City Girl Savings podcast featuring our very own Founder / CEO Raya Reaves as she covers topics to help keep your finances in order. We adore hearing from members of the community so drop a line in the comments below!

The CGS Team



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