6 Personal Skills that Help You Grow in Your Career

Girlfriend, you’ve got some skills! Each of us are unique in our own way and we all bring something to the table. Some women are great at staying accountable until the task is finished. Other women are great at communicating effectively. Some women can negotiate their tail off, while other women bring out the strengths of others. These are personal skills that help you grow in your career and in life.

The ability to play up your strengths will allow you to get things done better, faster, and more effectively. This can help you grow in your career, your business, and your personal life. You should hone in on your unique skills and tap into them at work. I’m sharing 6 common personal skills that help you grow in your career.

Identifying your strengths

While I will be identifying common personal skills that most women have, I want you to think about your own unique strengths. The skills I’m going to identify are just examples of some of the skills that a person could have. Regardless of these skills being relevant to you or not, it’s up to you to identify what you bring to the table and tap into it on a daily basis.

I highly recommend the Strengths Finder Test to see what strengths your personality has and how you can use those strengths to your advantage. Some strengths are given to us at birth, while others can be learned throughout life. Make sure you know what your strong suits are so you can do things that compliment them!

6 personal skills that help you grow in your career

Personal skill #1: Listening

Listening can take you far in career and life. The ability to really hear what a person is saying, understand it and then act if there is a request is critical. This can show your boss that you take direction well and do exactly what is asked. This can show your team that you hear what they have to say and advocate for them at any chance you get. Listening can help you immensely in your career.

Personal skill #2: Staying focused

Another great skill that can help you advance your career is staying focused. You are able to keep working, without distractions, until the task is finished. You can log in the hours to get the job done and hold yourself accountable to the task. You don’t believe in multitasking. This skill allows you to give your full attention to task at hand. When you can give it your 100% focus, you can do your best work.

Personal skill #3: Communicating properly
When you can effectively communicate your message, you will go far. One common trait of successful people, managers and leaders is the ability to communicate properly. You deliver your message in a way that allows all learning types to understand. Your words captivate your audience. People want to hear what you have to say. Communicating properly builds your impact and influence, which leads to substantial growth.

Personal skill #4: Avoiding conflict

Staying away from trouble, drama, or negativity means you are bringing the proper attitude and work ethic to the workplace. When you are in the middle of conflict, your reputation is at stake. People don’t forget things, especially at work. Avoiding conflict can help keep your name and brand at work squeaky clean. This means you just have to show up and deliver, instead of working from behind!

Personal skill #5: Storytelling

A creative imagination can take you far in the workplace. You can come up with new ideas to make things better, more efficient and more profitable. You can tell the story of how and what the vision will look like. You can bring a new perspective to the table. This is something many employers value in their workers. Let that imagination soar! Don’t be afraid to share your story, ideas, and vision!

Personal skill #6: Tap into your “outgoing” self

Have you heard the saying “your network is your net worth”? It means that the people you meet can play a role in helping you reach goals, especially in your career. Whether you’re shy or not, there’s always an ability to be outgoing. Use that personal skill to build up your network. Connections are everything in work, life and business, so use that skill to your advantage! Be social, open and willing to meet new people. You never know how your next connection can help you.

Finding ways to learn, develop and grow

As I mentioned earlier, the skills above don’t have to be God-given. You can learn and perfect each of them! You just have to take the chance to do so. Attend a Toastmasters class. Make it a point to show up at networking events and mixers. Start journaling regularly. Do things that are going to help you improve in the skills above, or improve the strengths you already have!

Related: 5 Signs You’re Ready for a Promotion

Remember, leverage your strengths and personal skills to grow in your life and career! You are unique and have a set of skills, traits and strengths that can be tapped into to unleash your greatness! Put yourself in a position to succeed by leveraging your skills and strengths, starting with any of the ones above you may have! What are some of your personal skills and strengths? How do you tap into your strengths to succeed at work? Share your experiences and tips by leaving a comment below!

The CGS Team



3 thoughts on “6 Personal Skills that Help You Grow in Your Career”

  1. In regards to your personal skill #6…I recommend you read the book Quiet by Susan Cain. It’s absolutely ridiculous to say someone had to be extroverted to succeed.

    1. Thanks for the book recommendation Annie! I agree, anyone with any personality style can succeed. Somethings just take a little more work and practice, but everyone can get to the finish line!

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