6 Budget-Friendly Ways to Woo Your Partner

You do not need a million dollars to woo your partner and make them happy.  Typically, it is the small things that matter, while materialistic things fade—it’s the feeling you leave with your loved ones remains everlasting. The great news? You can woo your partner on a budget!

There is no rule to wooing your partner as everyone is different and has their own preferences to what they love and care about. It does not matter the status of your partner, whether they are girlfriend or boyfriend, fiancé or fiancée, or husband or wife. Check out these six budget-friendly ways to woo your partner!

#1 Spontaneous Date Night

Having a routine for some things can be great. However, to have a routine in your relationship can become boring and detrimental. Indulging in a spontaneous date night on random nights will keep your partner on their toes.

Date night can include a movie night, dinner at your favorite food place, or even something including a fun activity. Be sure you give your partner a slight heads up so they are dressing accordingly, and not too blindsided.

Both men and women will appreciate a spontaneous date night. Choosing a date activity with a comfortable price point will leave an everlasting memory in both of your hearts. Check out 6 At-Home Date Ideas to Save Money for a few at-home spontaneous date ideas!

#2 Write Love Letters

Expressing how you feel to your loved ones can be therapeutic and eye-opening.  Think of some situations where you would want to tell your partner something and write an appropriate letter.

A lot of times it is important to express how we feel towards one another instead of just assuming our partner knows how much they mean to us. Your partner will be wooed in a deep way after your open expression of your feelings.

It is not always sunshine and butterflies—there are times your partner will have a bad day and you won’t be immediately available to console them. But writing them a letter, letting them know they are not alone and how much you love them will get them right out of that pit.  

#3 Do Something They Won’t Do for Themselves

The ugly truth of the matter is so many of us think it would be nice to have this, or to do that, or to go here, but we won’t spend the money or time necessary to make whatever that is happen.

Take a moment and think back to when your partner was just casually chatting with you and had mentioned something they wanted to do for themselves. It doesn’t have to be extravagant.

You will certainly find something you can do for your partner that they are unlikely to do for his/herself. They will not only appreciate you but also will truly know you listen to them and not just hear them. 

#4 Learn Something New Together

At times, it can kind of feel annoying when your partner has done something that you haven’t done yet or vice versa.  A fun affordable way to really woo your partner is to learn or do something together that you both have never tried.

Check out Google or event listings for your city to see what’s going on in your neighborhood. If your partner has often suggested that they’d love to learn to do something or how to learn something, look specifically for the activities mentioned. Randomly discuss some ideas together and then spend an enjoyable evening trying something new!

#5 Spoil Them With Their Favorite Treat

Whether your partner has a sweet tooth or not, you can find a way to woo them with treats on a friendly budget.  You can arrange for a messenger to pick up a candy gram, or some flowers or cookies from a local florist or baker and have them delivered directly to them.

If you don’t have the budget for delivery, pick up their favorite snack or drink from a local coffee shop yourself and surprise your partner on their lunch break. They will not only be shocked but pleasantly happy to show off to their co-workers how great they have someone in their corner like you. They will love sharing them with their colleagues and feel very popular that day amongst their peers!

#6 Breakfast in Bed

They may smell it, but won’t see it coming until their eyes open from a good night’s sleep to a beautiful meal. It might seem a bit cliché to make your partner breakfast in bed, but it’s easy, budget-friendly, and a very welcome addition to the start of any day! 

Simply making their favorite breakfast and surprising them in bed is one of the best feelings of appreciation toward your loved one. Or, you could do something outside the box and make something a bit different for breakfast, like pancakes if they usually have cereal. Get a tray and simply arrange it nicely with their favorite breakfast beverage, a flower, or a pretty napkin.

Related: 4 Romantic Summer Date Ideas


If you are tight on cash and want to do something special for your partner, we highly recommend trying one of these six budget-friendly ways. Have you ever thrilled your partner when funds were low? Of did you have the funds but didn’t want to dip into the date night jar? What ways have you surprised your partner? Follow and stay connected with us via our IG and Twitter social media @citygirlsavings. If you have a Facebook account, we welcome you to join the conversation and like our City Girl Savings group page. 

The CGS Team



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