5 Tricks to Save Money on Clothes

There are so many fun and innovative ways to save money on clothes these days, so no need to break the bank to look great! Trends are forever changing and, in many cases, usually make their way with a comeback. That fact alone can help you save a few bucks by just shopping for what’s in your closet and mixing it with new staple purchases. The key to saving money on clothes is simple – choose your purchases wisely and take good care of what you already have. Check out these five tricks to save money on clothes. 

5 Tricks to Save Money on Clothes

#1 Buy Clothes that Fit NOW

I don’t know why we always purchase items for the future when we should be focusing on the present. Buying clothes that are too small or too big is only wasting money. I totally get that it can be a motivator to get in shape, but this isn’t the way to go!

Save yourself the headache and be intentional with your purchases. Don’t live in the future. A lot of times we try to trick our brains into thinking “if I get this in a size smaller then it will motivate me to do this this and this” when in most cases that article of clothing just gets stuffed to the back of the closet and forgotten about. You’ll look and feel better in clothing that’s the right size for you now, not the size you want to be.

#2 Choose Quality 

Sometimes spending the extra five bucks is worth it down the line. There’s a saying that goes “quality over quantity”, which essentially means the quality of the item is far more important than the amount you spend on the item. Spend more on pieces of clothing that come from good manufacturers. After all, you can always increase the appearance of clothing items with accessories.

Always remember that quality fabrics will hold up many years longer than something made cheaply. If you’re in doubt and not sure of the items quality, keep luxury fabrics in mind. For instance, silk, cashmere, Pima cotton and leather are first-rate fabrics that designers reach for to create elegant essentials for every wardrobe. In short, read the labels of the clothes to see what they consist of and how it feels. Itchy clothes are never a go!

#3 Don’t compromise your style 

Your style is a representation of your personality. Don’t comprise your style because of what trends are in right now. Understanding what lines and fabrics work well on your body type and sticking to them is vital. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself putting out more money on things that don’t serve your liking.

Once you have defined your style it will be easier to know which pieces of clothing are worth purchasing and which ones are worth passing up. You’ll also know the right places to shop! When it comes to wardrobe staples, focus on looks that never go out of style and compliment you. Your threads don’t define you but rather show off your personality, so don’t ever feel the need to spend more on items that don’t do you justice. 

#4 Discounted Items 

It’s so important to watch and study the sales cycles of your favorite retailers and always check out the discount racks. Some retailers release new discounted items at the start of every month while others do sales throughout the month. Learning the cycles of these retailers will help you save your bank account from massive hits. There’s nothing wrong with getting items from the discount rack!

If someone says otherwise, they are clearly not a true fashionista. Discounted items don’t necessarily mean the item is damaged. Some retailers need to make space for other inventory, which means other items need to get off the shelf in a timely manner. To save money, you can hold off on purchasing at that time and hope the item hits clearance and is still available. Shopping at consignment stores is another alternative for finding exceedingly nice items for a great price. 

#5 Buy what you love 

When you find an item that you love and is perfect for you, don’t pass it up. When you buy items you love, you know you’re going to wear it till the threads fall off. You know you will be getting your money’s worth! Asking yourself those tough questions before checkout makes all the difference: Do I love it enough to make the cost per wear worthwhile? Does this item truly bring me joy?

If the answers are more yes than no, then say no more! Never compromise your dollar for an item that society says is in, but you just aren’t a fan of. Sometimes the price tag may give you second thoughts and that’s okay, but it’s always vital when purchasing that you, without a doubt, love the item. 

Related: 8 Clothing Hacks to Save Money

There’s no doubt that we can all spend too much money on clothes! At least these tips will help keep your budget in line! What tricks or tips have you used to help you save money on clothes? We love hearing from you and members of the community so drop a line or emoji and say hi!

Tune in weekly to hear new episodes from our City Girl Savings podcast hosted by our very own CEO Raya Reaves. You can hear the CGS podcast on Spotify, Apple, and many more for free. Like and follow our Meta page as well as IG & Twitter @citygirlsavings. 

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1 thought on “5 Tricks to Save Money on Clothes”

  1. I used to thrift a lot, but once I hit a certain age, I would get so frustrated because I craved a more sophisticated style than last year’s high school throwouts. Now, I try to only shop in-person so I can try on the piece to make sure I like it. I usually leave it and come back a few days later once I’ve slept on the decision (if it’s on sale, I try to expedite this part so I can catch the sale). I don’t mind paying full-price for three pieces as opposed to buying twelve just because they’re on sale or clearance. If my closet is full of things I enjoy wearing, having a capsule wardrobe of high(er) quality items that I wear a lot and love doesn’t feel like I’m missing out.

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