5 Tips for Dressing Chic on a Budget

Dressing chic on a budget isn’t as difficult as one may think. There are always little perks and shortcuts when shopping and maintaining a certain budget. To be chic doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars (you may or may not have) on a single item. Being chic means elegantly and stylishly fashionable, regardless of the cost. Every person deserves to get what he or she wants when they want. Check out these five tips for dressing chic on a budget.

You Can’t Go Wrong with Sales
Shopping on a budget doesn’t mean you can only shop at discount stores, although, sometimes you can find really good buys from there! You can still shop at your favorite department or designer store! Instead of going straight to the high priced, new items, try opting for the sale rack first.

Most of the time, the items on the sale rack are items that are considered out of season but are still very stylish. Just because it is considered out of season for that department store doesn’t mean it’s out of season for you and your style. You should wear what makes you feel good, not what society deems as great to wear.  In addition to seasonality, items can be on sale for a variety of reasons. Keep an eye out for damage, as you may be able to get an even bigger discount!

Mix & Match with What You Have

Mixing and matching items can be fun and affordable. When you go shopping, you don’t have to buy a whole new outfit in one go. You can find a top and remember that you have the perfect pair of pants that would look great with it. That’s mixing and matching! Check out 5 Fun Color Combos to Try for some great color combinations!

Mixing and matching could also be that you have this really cute dress in your closet and you need something to make it chic and pop. A pair of new (on sale) shoes or a few new jewelry pieces can do the trick. Shopping on a budget is very simple and can be fun when having the right attitude.

Online Shopping Comes in Handy

A lot of times, shopping online is looked down upon due to people not being able to feel the material and see if the color is really what is on the description. However, I’m here to tell you that shopping online can be easy and affordable. Most of the time, shopping online gives extra or additional discounts compared to shopping in store.

I encourage you to sign up for email coupons with your favorite store! If you’re excuse is you do not want to have a lot of junk emails, then I have just the solution for you!

Instead of providing your regular email address, that is mostly used for bills and professional items, simply make an email that’s solely for coupons from your favorite stores and retailers.  Now you’re able to shop and not have the feeling of anxiety knowing there is an astronomical number of unread emails in your inbox.

Toss, Trade, or Sell
With so many online retailers and consignment storefronts that allow you to sell and buy items there is no way you can’t shop on a budget! In fact, the philosophy of “one in, one out” can go a long way to helping you stay chic on a budget. Stores like Buffalo Exchange will purchase your old items.

Apps like Poshmark, Letgo and Offer Up allow you to sell items and make money.  Perhaps have a little party with some friends and everyone brings a bag full of items they don’t want and everyone can go around trading pieces they do not want for other pieces other friends brought from their closet. Tossing, trading, or selling items can be easy to do and allows you to make room for your new chic items!

Shop the Classics

Dressing chic on a budget can be simple when you’re not overthinking stuff. “Classic”, according to Merriam-Webster, means to never go out of style. When shopping, it’s vital to find pieces that are timeless.

The more classic an item is, the more likely you can either mix and match or keep longer than the season pieces that lose their spark. Keep in mind, it could mean the style of the top or the color of an item that can be classic, not so much the designer itself.

Related: 5 Ways to Dress for Success


When you go shopping always have a budgeted amount set that you can stay within. You never want to go in and then get home and feel bad for spending too much. Trust, we know the feeling and would hate to put shopper’s remorse on anyone!  What tips or suggestions would you give your fellow shopping buddy when they want to shop chic on a budget? Is it easier said than done? Stay connected with us by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and IG @citygirlsavings.

The CGS Team



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