5 Reasons to Protect Your Skin in the Summer

Your skin is like an extension of you! In fact, it’s one of the first things people notice about you. Our skin helps to protect us from harmful ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun. Protecting your skin is important for multiple reasons. It usually isn’t until something happens to us that we decide to take action. Let’s change that! Make it a point to protect your skin in the summer!

If you’ve never experienced a sunburn, you wouldn’t understand the importance of protecting your skin. If you have been so lucky to never have an acne breakout, you wouldn’t know how heart wrenching it is to be left with the scars. Your skin is just that…your skin and you should always want to treat it the best way possible. So, check out these five reasons to protect your skin during summer.

#1 Delay aging

It’s never too late to start integrating safe-sun practices into your life. By wearing sunscreen, you’re slowing down the development of wrinkles and leathery skin. Higher temperatures prompt the skin to secrete more oil, which leaves it looking greasy. Being mindful of the type of beauty products that are applied to your skin during the warmer weather seasons is important.

If your skin is prone to being oily then opt for products that give you the same results but are oil-free. To keep your skin looking nourished and healthy throughout the summer, we suggest incorporating collagen into your diet.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It generally can be found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. It supports our body in replacing the dead skin cells and giving our skin strength. Providing us with the ultimate results of having time on pause and delaying our appearance in age.

#2 Limit the risk of cancer

According to some healthcare professionals, skin cancer is more prevalent in people with lighter skin, but it doesn’t discriminate and can still affect those with darker skin. Always wear sunscreen, no matter your skin color or tone. 

When it’s summertime you want to enjoy the warm weather and natural vitamin d the sun provides but we must remember everything is great in moderation. Having too much exposure to sun without proper protection could lead to harsh medical risks.

#3 Avoid sunburns

Skin is considered one of your body’s largest organs by size. Your skin helps keep your body temperature even. Your skin plays such an important role in protecting your body, you should keep it as healthy as you can. By consuming enough water and monitoring how long you’ve been exposed to sun rays without protection is a good start.

Many times, you don’t realize you have been sunburnt until the next day. Too much sun is harmful for the skin and can cause sunburn and, in the worst cases, skin cancer. Applying sunscreen to your face and any exposed part of your body will help you avoid the aftermath of treating a sunburn. Sunburn is skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. It usually causes the skin to become red, sore, warm, tender, and occasionally itchy for about a week. No thank you!

#4 Keeps skin tone even

Typically, summer provides us with lovely weather which can help with the condition of our skin. However, you must ensure that your skin is adequately protected as the risks of sun-induced skin damage outweigh the benefits.

The drying effect of sun exposure can ultimately make acne worse. Adding a little extra care to your beauty skin routine can help protect your skin from experiencing uneven skin tone and blemishes. The sun can also cause a permanent stretching of small blood vessels, giving your skin a mottled, reddish appearance.

#5 Inflammation

When inflammation happens, it can be a major pain in the back side. Skin inflammation is caused from skin tissue being injured by heat or other causes. The sun exposure can also exacerbate the issue by making sunspots and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. In short, the chemicals from your body’s white blood cells enter your blood or tissues to protect your body from invaders. Take extra care of your skin in the summer, or you’ll see the effects later in life!

Related: How to Get a Summer Glow at Home

How do you protect your skin in the summer? What are some of your favorite products? We always love hearing from you and members of the community so drop some love and comment below. In fact, we love it so much we encourage you to stay connected with us via our IG @citygirlsavings and join the conversations via our City Girl Savings Meta page.

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