5 Podcasts Every Career Girl Should Listen To

They say you are what you eat, but what about you are what you listen to? Sure, you probably have never heard of that before, but listening to positive things can help elevate you into becoming the person you have always envisioned yourself to be. There are certain podcasts every career girl should listen to, or every girl striving for better!

If you are someone who enjoys a good listen in the morning or perhaps even in your spare time, you should definitely check out these 5 awesome podcasts for career girls. In case you didn’t know, a podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files that a user can download in order to listen. Alternatively, the word “podcast” may refer to the individual component of such a series or to an individual media file.

5 Podcasts Every Career Girl Should Listen To

Not Wonder Woman

Not Wonder Woman is a podcast that is encourages women to be the best version of themselves. The podcast has two hosts Cyran and Mel who are both very successful lawyers that do not play any games when it deals with their profession. Aside from them practicing law, they also have large followings in social media deeming them social media influencers.

This podcast offers productivity hacks so women can keep hustling, thriving, and “having it all.” Often, we wonder how we make the most of our time. It can be quite difficult trying to balance work, family, and side gigs, all while taking care of yourself.

Cyran and Mel are ecstatic to help their listeners dig deep to be productive and make the most of their time in the twenty-four hours each person is given in a day. They give insight and encouragement to women to feel like they can accomplish their day-to-day tasks (both personally and professionally).

Defining Success

Looking for a podcast that helps you focus in on what it is that really makes you happy? The Defining Success podcast has over one hundred episodes all focusing on individual success from an interview standpoint. It shares advice, and discusses the definition of success and how to overcome any failures you may have thought would hinder your growth.

Zeb Welborn, founder of Welborn Media and The Tutoring Solution, author of The Social Golf Course, and creator of the Sharing Your Passion Essay Scholarship contest is the amazing host. Zeb is always sharing new ways you can build your brand let it thrive successfully. If you want to know how others have attained success and overcome failure, this is a great podcast and created just for you. Whoever said you have to come from a wealthy family to be amazing is wrong. You don’t have to be famous to be successful, and that’s what makes this podcast so relatable.

Switch, Pivot, or Quit
This podcast encourages women to learn from any mistakes they have not taken the time to learn from. Switch, Pivot, or Quit encourages women to not be fearful of going after their dreams and never settling for less. Hosted by Ahyiana Angel, she is the author and Chief Encourager at Life According to Her, an online platform for women. She has also worked in publicity for the NBA, created a popular jewelry line, and written three books.

Ahyiana leads the podcasts with interviews from fellow women who have also found success in doing what they love. Ahyiana is approachable, honest, and eager to give workingwomen practical advice. This is an informational and motivational podcast for any woman who wants to avoid the “Sunday Scaries”, grow her business, and overcome stress-inducing obstacles.

In this podcast, Ahyiana Angel interviews women who have successfully switched careers in the hopes of encouraging others to follow their passion no matter how terrifying they might be. Already following your dreams? There are still lessons for you in these dozens of intimate, empowering, and relatable episodes, which include book features, interviews, 7-minute Sunday chats, and more.

The Classy Career Girl

In many cases, when the thought of a woman and her career is chatted about, it could definitely come across as a woman who is arrogant and annoying. In this podcast, it discusses how women can have it all and still build their brand without building enemies. Hosted by Anna Runyan, who founder and CEO of Classy Career Girl, an e-learning platform for women in career transitions.

If you’ve considered starting your own business, this podcast can help you pursue not just any career but the right career for you. This podcast contains career success stories, Q&As, and focused advice on topics like tax tips for entrepreneurs, brand awareness, networking, authentic marketing, and more.

It also explores the host’s personal struggles, obstacles, and career announcements and features a variety of interviews with business-owning women. The content is useful for women of all industries and career stages.

Women at Work

The name of the podcast pretty much explains itself to its listeners. Hosts Amy Bernstein, Sarah Green Carmichael, and Nicole Torres, are all editors at the Harvard Business Review.

The Women at Work podcast provides its listeners unique insights from experts and studies while taking a journalist approach. They ask questions of what it means to be a workingwoman in this generation. The podcast is amazing for women who are involved in the corporate world wanting to grow and better them.

Related: 7 Books for Career Growth Inspiration


Listening to podcasts that better you and motivate you is vital to your personal and professional growth. Whether it is your growth as a career woman, as a mother, or just in general. Would you check out these podcasts if you have not already? Have you ever listened to a podcasts? If so which ones are your favorite and would recommend? Check us out on our social media accounts Instagram & Twitter @citygirlsavings. In addition, check out our Facebook page and tune in on the conversations.

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