7 Books for Career Growth Inspiration

Growing in your career can be a fulfilling and rewarding journey. That’s not to say it will be easy! Climbing the corporate ladder, starting and succeeding your own business, and getting to the six-figure earnings mark is no simple task.

If you have dreams of killing it in your career and growing in your industry, it helps to have some inspiration along the way. Career growth is a hot topic for most women, and for good reason! More women are working hard and putting their careers first.

There are plenty of resources for women to leverage to get inspiration, guidance and support on their career growth journey. The CGS Team is sharing 7 super-inspiring books to read for growing in your career. Get ready to be motivated and provided with the proper mindset to succeed on your career growth journey.

Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, by Sheryl Sandberg

There’s no denying that men still rule the workplace. We’ve come a long way, but there’s still much more to go. In “Lean In,” Sheryl Sandberg explains the root causes behind the stalling growth of women in leadership positions and how to solve those issues.

She also shares how women can tap into their true potential in the workplace.

#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso

There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing how a person turned nothing into a multi-million dollar something! In #GirlBoss, Sophia Amoruso shares her story of how she started as a high-school drop out and created the multi-million dollar NastyGal company. With great takeaways, you won’t be disappointed with her story.

Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media, by Aliza Licht

Former fashion PR girl and Twitter sensation Aliza Licht shares her story in Leave Your Mark. She also provides insight into how any woman can build her personal brand. This book is full of insight to help you grow in your career and make a lasting name for yourself.

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel

Executive coach Lois P. Frankel wrote Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office to share how to avoid unconscious mistakes that hurt any woman’s career. She also shares amazing tips to improve your social and business skills, and succeed in any professional endeavor.

Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, by Amy Cuddy

TED talk phenom Amy Cuddy shares how to access your personal power and create true presence. In Presence, you will learn how to tweak your body language, behavior, and mindset to succeed in high-pressure situations and always perform at your best.

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, by Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post, published Thrive to share her challenges with managing time and prioritizing the demands of a career and family. She also shares what led to an “aha” moment that changed the course of her career.

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance — What Women Should Know, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

In The Confidence Code, Katty Kay and Claire Shipman share why confidence is key to excelling in your career and life. They also get to the root of how confidence can be achieved and teach and inspire readers to start tapping into their own confidence.

Related: 6 Books Every Girl Should Read

 If someone has done the research or succeeded in something you want to succeed in, why not learn from those who know? The books above will help you learn how the authors reached success in their life and career, so you can too!

Are there any career growth inspiration books you love? Share your recommendations by posting a comment below.

-The CGS Team



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