4 Ways to Save an Extra $100 a Month

When you are strapped for cash and trying to contribute to a savings account, finding an additional $100 a month to save is not easy. It may not be easy, but it is certainly not impossible! There are ways you can cut back and save an extra $100 (or more) a month!

The CGS Team has come up with 4 ways that can help you save an extra $100 each month (maybe even more!). Make sure you are truly dedicated to giving your savings a boost, because the things below may be more difficult to part with than you think!

Quit the Gym & Workout at Home

The truth is you really don’t need a gym membership to get in shape. Sure the vibe, the machines, and the steam room help, but they do not actually lose the weight for you. You can work out at home or run around the neighborhood and still get the same results as if you were a gym member. Check out the article Workout Workarounds to help you build a home workout space for little to no cash!

Quitting the gym can save you some money each month, including membership dues, the cost of gas for driving back and forth, and the cost of cute workout clothes. You may also be able to get a deposit back. If you can’t live without the gym, ask if they can put your membership on hold for a month or two, just until you get your savings right.

If quitting the gym isn’t an option some companies give employees discounts at specific gyms, or they have a fitness center of their own! Even some insurance plans reimburse gym dues and expenses. Have you checked out the benefits available to you? There are always options.

Note: The gym is just one example of a service/subscription that can be cut, especially if it’s not being used. If you find that you have other unused subscriptions or services, get rid of them. Even if it’s a small amount of money that you’re throwing away each month, it will add up.

Prepare Your Own Meals, All of Them!

We are very serious about this one. As easy as it is to drive to McDonalds, order a meal and chow down, it’s not only bad for your waistline, but also your wallet. Avoid fast food, restaurants, vending machines, café snacks, coffees, and any other food or drinks that you may purchase while you are out and about.

Instead, do your grocery shopping once a week and prepare every single meal of the day, and don’t forget the snacks like peanuts or carrots in-between meals. Check out 6 tips for healthy meal-prepping to get you going! If you are one of the many women who enjoy buying lunch every day or sipping a Starbucks latte a few times a week, then you will see a huge difference in your savings account if you prepare your own meals for the month.

It’s going to be a transition, but it will be better for you all around. You will know exactly where your food is coming from. You will be able to prepare what you like and control how healthy you want to eat. You will be able to save so much money by not eating out!

Note: Your daily latte may seem inexpensive, but have you added that up into a monthly or yearly cost? That could be your $100 in savings right there! Check out 5 Unexpectedly Expensive Habits for a few other “seemingly” inexpensive habits that can add up quickly.

Reduce Your Housing Costs

Living on your own can get very expensive. Rent, utilities, cable, and more can add up each month and suck your savings dry. If you live in an apartment, then consider taking on a roommate or two as it will help cover the costs. Does the thought of roommates make you cringe?

Consider looking for a less expensive place. Even if it’s not a luxurious as you would like, are you really planning on staying there forever? Most likely it’s a temporary situation until you can get a house of your own. With that thought in mind, cutting the cost of rent will be a huge money saver.

Moving back in with mom and dad for a few months can save you an enormous amount of money. Again, it’s probably not the most ideal situation, but if it can help you save enough money to get ahead, then it’s worth it. If you have your own mortgage, think about refinancing. Getting a lower interest rate and monthly payment can help significantly throughout the life of the loan.

Don’t be afraid to get rid of the extra bills you don’t need. Cable is nice, but Netflix is only $8 a month and gives you a lot of great options. Make sure that you are not leaving the lights or air conditioning on when you aren’t at home.

Power and energy bills usually are the largest of the utilities bills, so always be cautious of what is running and what needs to be turned off when you’re away. Check out the articles 4 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Bills and 4 Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill for more tips.

Get Ready to Cut Coupons

Since you will be preparing your own meals moving forward, coupons can help you save a lot of money at the grocery store. The Sunday paper is usually filled with a variety of coupons. You can also check the websites of some of your favorite manufacturers. If your local grocery store has a rewards program, consider signing up. They will usually offer extra discounts for members.

Don’t be ashamed to cut coupons. The ultimate goal is to save money, not to worry about what anyone else will think. Would it make you feel better to know that country singer Carrie Underwood cuts coupons? Read about it in the Saving Celebs article.


Do you think you could make the 4 changes listed above? Do you have any other ways that help you save money? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below or posting in the City Girl Savings Facebook Group. Let’s all discuss and see what we can learn from others!

-The CGS Team



12 thoughts on “4 Ways to Save an Extra $100 a Month”

  1. I feel like I’ve been talking about food and healthy eating a lot on here! My number one weakness is grabbing something to eat since my life seems to be always on the go. I usually go for the healthier options, like a sandwich or soup but healthier comes at a higher cost! I really want to get motivated to prepare my own food, I need to find the motivation somewhere, LOL!

  2. I think I’m going to do the coupon thing more often. As well as prepare my meals at home because with being a single mommy and not having any extra anything to do anything extra, ia almost depressing. So I’m going to try this for 6 months and see what I save!

  3. My roommate and I are getting our first apartment in April because we are graduating from college. We will definitely benefit from the couponing tips!

  4. I’m Married, and I make all of our lunches and dinners at home. We only eat out a couple times a month. I’m going to try the cut coupon-ing thing for sure. It would be interesting to see how much I will save!

    1. look up couponmom she pairs up what is on sale with what coupons are available.
      Most cities have someone local doing the same with your local stores.
      St. Louis has KingSizedSavings
      IDK other regions.
      Good luck!

  5. I feel like these are all very obvious tips. For instance, most of us know we should be eating at home, but the fact is, many of us don’t have the time. I actually pay for a service that makes nearly all my meals, I make my own snacks, and the truth is, it’s actually cheaper for me because when I cook for myself, I end up wasting so much food that I don’t make in time, or end up eating out anyway because I just frankly don’t have the time or desire or energy to cook all my meals. The roommate thing is great for your 20s, and I did it until age 31, but eventually, some people need their own space for their sanity! And the gym thing is good in theory, but I take classes and without them, I never workout. If I use a home workout video or gym, I give up easily because I’m bored or don’t have someone yelling at me to keep going. I think of quitting my gym option all the time, but I know I’d just get fat, so it’s worth the money lol.

    I am waiting for the article on how to save that doesn’t have these same ole tips over and over. I don’t think quitting our tiny luxuries here and there and being miserable doing it is the way to go.

  6. Even when I didn’t make a decent salary newly divorced w/two kids over twenty years ago I always maintained a separate account and had a at least $300 – $500 taken from each paycheck, that added up quickly! That’s at least 2x per month. As a consultant, I could have more taken out. When it was time for a new car, I paid cash! I still have this habit to this day. Now I make a significantly more, and I can save more. The point is, have it withheld and deposited into a different account w/out a debit card associated, you don’t see the money coming out of your pay and discipline yourself to live as if that money doesn’t exist within your reach, it adds up quite nicely and it’s there when you NEED it. Like for down payment on your home or a SEP IRA if you don’t have a traditional 401k and you need to make that annual contribution. Don’t dip into for that “distant relative” emergency because you will more than likely not get an ROI. Only go in there when there is an ROI. Also, this is where you stick your tax return money. Discipline!

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