4 Reasons to Travel Now!

We’re two weeks into the new year, and already dreaming of our next vacation! Now is the perfect time to start planning, and if you need a reason to travel, we’ll give you four! Traveling has its perks, especially when traveling during certain times of the year. There are so many great reasons to travel, but many tend to focus on all the things that can go wrong while traveling which totally takes away from the enjoyment of the vacation. Take a look at the 4 reasons why it’s a great time to start your travel plans right now!

Cost Efficient

Many believe traveling is very expensive, which discourages them from ever going somewhere new. Traveling now is actually cheaper than it’s ever been, especially in Europe! Book your flights in advance to really save some cash. Can’t afford a hotel while on vacation? Don’t worry there are other solutions to traveling on a budget. Airbnb and HomeAway are great, cost-effective options when traveling, and they give you the real-life experience of the new place!

Rest & Relaxation

Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone needs some rest and relaxation in their life. Why not get yours while traveling with friends or family? Traveling can be a good source of relaxation. You’re not stressing about if the deadline was met, or if anyone fed the dog this morning. Instead you’re enjoying the beautiful sunrise, and laughs with friends while sipping your favorite cocktail. Take a step out of the normal routine and start your travel planning now! You’ll thank us when you’re lying on the beach somewhere!


Keeping yourself in a bubble of what you consider “normal” can be detrimental your health. Trying new things and visiting new places is educational and beneficial to your mind and soul. If you’re traveling to a foreign country, where there is a language barrier, simply travel with a tour guide our quick language dictionary to assist with communication.

Experiencing new things while traveling teaches lessons that can’t be taught in school. Psychologists have proven that while our brain grasps to learn new things, we increase our level of happiness. Go visit a museum or find things to do that are a drive away if you can’t afford international travel.  Just getting out of your comfort zone will do wonders!


Nowadays, everything is centered around social media. Whether it’s what you’re wearing to what you’re eating, social media is becoming very consuming. Taking a break from social media and traveling right now couldn’t be at a better time to take a break. When you wake up you check your phone, when you’re using the restroom you check your phone. We check our phones so consistently, as if we are missing something. Going on a trip and traveling will take our minds off of social media and allow us to focus on being in the present.


We hope this encouraged you to explore and try new scenery. Whether it’s looking for a new adventure, or getting a break from life’s curve balls, traveling is a must! There is no time limit on when you should and shouldn’t travel, therefore start planning your trip today! What reasons have encouraged you to travel?

The CGS Team



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