#39: How to Stay in Budget While on Vacation

Honestly, there’s no better feeling than taking a vacation, not worrying about money and coming home knowing your bills are taken care of.

I’ve experienced traveling that way. I’ve also experienced traveling where money is a constant stressor both during and after the vacation.

To make the most of any trip, I plan the financial before, during and after. Since I’m fresh off a vacation and I stayed in budget, I want to share with you my best practices for staying in budget while on vacation.

In this episode, you’ll hear how I manage to stay in budget whenever I travel and hopefully it will help you stay in budget while on future vacations!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:22] I share a story about a financially stressful travel experience and how its helped me realize how much better planning and saving for a vacation can be.
  • [04:45] Asking yourself the right questions before your trip can help you set the right budget to stick to when you’re on the vacation.
  • [10:20] Common areas that add up while on vacation are food and drinks. Be realistic with the numbers you set and save for this while on vacation.
  • [13:11] Take advantage of the elements available to you in your destination! Getting outside is usually free and a great way to feel the energy of any environment.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 30: Vacation Planning on a Budget

Join the free 8-week Frugal Fall Savings Challenge



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