#109: The Major Signs You Need Help Managing Your Money

Let’s be real. Finances are still a very personal topic.

While we’ve made strides towards having open money conversations, we have a long way to go.

Since financial literacy isn’t included in standard education curriculum, you can’t blame yourself for not being great with money.

You likely learned a lot of your habits from your parents. And that may not be a good thing.

In this episode, I’m sharing some major signs you need help managing your money.

If any of these signs apply to your situation, acknowledge them, and take action. Ignoring the signs will only delay your progress.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [01:48] With the rise of social media, we have inside scoop into how the wealthy (and un-wealthy) spend their dollars, causing feelings of inadequacy.
  • [06:06] Even $25 a paycheck being saved can help you break free of living paycheck to paycheck. Small steps add up over time.
  • [11:02] Did you know Raya creates budget plans? If you don’t have a budget, you need one! Raya shares how you can get started with one.
  • [17:07] One of the biggest signs you need help managing your money is if you don’t have a budget. A budget is the number one tool for success with your finances.
  • [22:50] When you invest in working with a coach or other professional, you have skin in the game. This is usually what helps you get the results.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Raya Recommends: The Richest Man in Babylon

Let Raya create a budget plan for you!

Listen to Episode 15 – My Debt Free Story and the Biggest Takeaways

Listen to Episode 84 – Why You Need to Pay to Get Better with Money

Learn about Raya’s Financial Focus Coaching Program

Need help with your finances? Request a call with Raya!

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