Where to Start to Turn Your Hobby into a Business

It’s always easier said than done when the time comes to turn your dreams into reality. Successful people are persistent goal setters. They break down the bigger picture goal into smaller achievable tasks and take it day by day, working towards a milestone. If you’ve been wanting to turn your hobby into a business, you’re in the right place!

The CGS Team realizes that Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are the things that you are passionate about, everything takes time to build. While some are blessed to have the opportunity to do what they love, others may be forced to place their dreams on the backburner. Here are a few ways to shift your dream job from the backseat to the front. Also, check out CGS Podcast Episode #19: Is Starting a Business Really For You? It will help you assess if this is the right way to go!

Where to start to turn your hobby into a business…

Accountability Partners

Asking a friend to help you stay on track is one of the best and affordable solutions in making your side hustle a prosperous business. Friends have your best interest in mind and will hold you accountable to your goals if you ask them to.

Gaining a friend’s support on a task that is important to you will become important to them as well. Support from loved ones goes a long way when the going gets tough.

Also consider your social media friends. Updating your activity feed with the goals you are working towards will give you the accountability push you need to work hard.

Plus, you never know if there is someone in your network who can help or refer you to someone else who can help. Feel free to share your goals with the CGS community! We are all here to make something of ourselves!

Get Out There & Learn!

Never set limits on things you really want. Even if your focus may be directed elsewhere and not solely on the business goal you’d like, make time to nurture your goal and gain knowledge on things that will sharpen your skills in your free time. Knowledge will get you very far in business!

For instance, if you want to become a professional make-up artist, it’s important to be involved with events and things directed towards make-up, such as shows, classes, presentations, networking etc.

You could even go to a makeup store, like MAC, and talk to someone about how they got into the business. People must put themselves out into the world without fear in order to get noticed or even stumble upon something great.

Make Time for your Goals

Lastly, setting aside time each week dedicated to your goal of making your side hustle your main hustle will make a huge difference in the long run. Taking the time to jot down what it is that you specifically want to focus on will help you get a visual of what you want to accomplish each day, week, month and year!

Are you trying to design clothes? Set some time to work out some designs. Put yourself in the position to succeed by practicing, learning, meeting people in the same field, and working on tasks that will get you closer to your goal.

Most business owners started out doing other things. Just because you have a “day job” does not mean you should forget about your goals of owning your own business. Remember, patience will be your best friend through this journey.

Related: How to Manage Having a Day Job and Side Hustle

It’s never too late to go after what your heart truly desires. Is there a specific goal that you are working towards? We would love to hear about it! Comment below and let’s chat about what we are all working to accomplish.

-The CGS Team



4 thoughts on “Where to Start to Turn Your Hobby into a Business”

  1. I really lIke this article because often times we lose sight of our goals and get so tied up in our daily lives. Why not incorporate a few activities dealing with our goals in our day to day lives. Don’t give up so easily! Let’s get after it!

  2. Good advice. I am making the choice to give my business 100+% because it is my life. Being an older woman in society, it’s not easy. So constant learning is a necessity. Doing something daily toward your goal is key.

  3. I created a graph in Excel. I face it each morning when I open my computer, and it includes my goals to write two short stories a month, while writing my novel.

    It’s exciting to click in each month to see progress, and make changes that can be challenging. For example if I see that I
    can easily get two short stories in, while writing a novel, then maybe I will include a solid 3000 words or more during my writing time in my novel, regardless whatever happens to come up.

    My goal is to write 5,000 words a day. (I don’t reach that goal all the time because of things that come up, but I make sure I am writing each day.)

    I also have to squeeze in an hour of exercise, because that’s a lot of sitting! (Lol.)

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