Spend Your Money on These 7 Things to Feel Fulfilled

Money doesn’t buy happiness. I firmly believe that. However, I also believe that money buys you options…and having the option to decide what to spend your money on is what breeds happiness. Having the option to take a trip, bless a family member, leave your job, start a family, and so much more. Money makes those things easier. Money allows you to have more and more options.

Now, while I don’t think money buys happiness, I do think there are certain things you can spend your money on and feel genuinely fulfilled. I think everyone’s list will look a little different but starting with these 7 things to spend your money on will leave you feeling happy as a clam! Spend your money on these 7 things to feel fulfilled.

7 Things to Spend Your Money on To Feel Fulfilled

#1 Donations

Anytime I read an article that touches my spirit, I donate. Anytime something tragic happens in our world or country, I donate. Knowing that I’m giving money to someone in need leaves me feeling amazing. Donations can be recurring, one thing at a time, or done via tithing. It doesn’t matter how or how much you donate, but the act of donating money will leave you feeling personally fulfilled, especially if done on a regular basis.

#2 Travel

When I spend my money on travel, I can honestly say it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. Long ago, I decided that traveling was important to me. Now, I make it a point to plan and save for travel regularly. Even if I take a big trip, like I recently did to Italy, I never blink an eye at the money spent. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not wasting money or balling out more than I should, and that allows me to feel fulfilled spending my money.

#3 Self-Care

Two things that never leave my budget: lash extensions and iced coffees. I’m trying to figure out how I can work regular massages into my budget as well, but we all need to start somewhere! Because I prioritize my body and my happiness, I never feel bad about spending money on taking care of myself.

I’ve identified what self-care looks like to me, and I spend my money on those things. Once you’ve identified what self-care looks like for you, budget and save for those things – you’ll feel glad you did!

#4 Your Health
Healthy food costs more than unhealthy food. Working with a trainer isn’t cheap. Having a gym membership is definitely a budget-line item. There’s no denying that it costs money to be healthy, but it’s money well spent. With the current rising costs of food, I’m putting more money towards the grocery bill. It’s worth every penny because I know what food is going into my body.

#5 Hobbies you love

I absolutely love going to the movies. I consider it a hobby! So, when I spend money on tickets for me and my boyfriend, usually 1-2 times per month, I don’t feel an ounce of guilt. I’ve been going to the Dallas Cowboys games since 1997. When the time comes to renew our season tickets, I don’t blink an eye.

When you’re spending money on things you love, you don’t regret it. You may feel bad for spending if the cost wasn’t in your budget, but you’ll never regret it. Whatever hobbies you enjoy doing, make sure you budget for them. That way, when you spend money on those things, you’ll feel nothing but satisfaction.

#6 Starting a business

Starting a business isn’t for everyone, but if you do have a passion for starting a business, you’ll feel fulfilled when spending money on things that will help your business grow. In the early City Girl Savings days, I would spend money on things to help put my business in front of more people. I never felt bad about doing it. 

#7 Randomly blessing others

Lastly, blessing others who need money more than you do will leave you feeling extremely fulfilled. It’s not always easy to part ways with your money but helping someone in need makes it worth it. Blessing others who have less or are in need is a great use of your money – but only when you’ve helped yourself. Giving away money you don’t have doesn’t help anyone. I love hearing stories about people randomly blessing others. Like this one about a woman who paid off the lunch debt at a school.

Related: 10 Things You’re Spending Too Much Money On

While spending your money on these things will leave you feeling fulfilled, I want you to also make sure the money you’re spending helps – not hurts. Spending money you don’t have may leave you feeling fulfilled in the moment, but that will fade and you’ll be left with guilt. Make sure the things you spend money on are budgeted and accounted for. That way you can keep the fulfillment wave going!

What things do you spend money on to feel fulfilled? Do you agree with the list above? Share in the Comments section below!

The CGS Team



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