How to Protect Your Hair While You Sleep

How to Protect Your Hair While You Sleep

Not many people are aware of the importance of protecting their hair while they sleep. Since we sleep for long periods at a time, it’s important to protect your hair from breakage and unnecessary damage.

If you experience thin hair, hair breakage, or are just curious about maintaining hairstyles while you sleep, then this article is a must read! The CGS Team is sharing the different ways of protecting your hair while you sleep, which is great for those who like versatility.

You can use one of the tips below, or all of them, but no matter which tip you do choose, you will notice a difference in the healthiness of your hair!

Satin Pillowcase

Now is the time to toss out your cotton bed set and swap it for something new. Believe it or not, some women have very sensitive hair, which means the slightest pull or knot can cause the worst of pain.

Satin pillowcases are great to protect your hair while sleeping, and you don’t have to worry about anything slipping off through the night. The silky fabric is non-absorbent, which is perfect for sealing in the oils your hair produces naturally.

A satin pillow case, compared to cotton pillow case, is less stressful on your hair, and reduces the amount of breakage one can experience. Read 4 Beauty Beneficial Pillow Cases for some of the best pillow cases for your hair.


During sleep, we don’t realize that all of our tossing and turning unintentionally pulls our hair. Bonnets can be used to sleep and shower in, which is great if you hate having to switch from a shower cap to a scarf.

Wearing your bonnet to bed keeps your head warm, and helps your scalp retain natural body heat while you sleep. While sleeping, it’s important to wear your bonnet so you can prevent any tugging on your strands. Most bonnets are soft and light in weight, which makes them very comfortable to sleep in.

Hair Scarf

Brushing your hair before bed is a good if you’re trying to ensure you go to sleep tangle-free. However, wearing a head scarf is an ideal way to keep your hair out of your face and free of tangles throughout the night.

If you don’t want to swap your bedroom décor from cotton to silk, you can simply purchase a silk or satin hair scarf. There are two different shapes of head scarves: rectangular and square. The only difference between the two is that rectangular shape scarves are longer in length.

Avoid Elastic Hair Ties
Pulling your hair back while you sleep is another great way to keep your hair from breaking off. Be mindful of the various ways you can to tie your hair back and still not pull at your scalp. Opt for using scrunchies compared to common elastic hair ties. 

When using your scrunchie, be sure to not tie your hair too tight because it defeats the purpose of wearing your hair back. Pull your hair back into a low pony tail or loose single braid at the nape of your neck for the best protection. You can also opt for a bun at the top of your head, secured with your scrunchie or gentle hair tie.

Sleep with Dry Hair

Most women prefer to wash their hair at night, but going to bed with wet hair can lead to major hair breakage. Wet hair is weaker than dry hair, so after washing be sure to dry your hair before trying to get any beauty rest in.

Sleeping after you’ve washed your hair increases the risk of your hair not growing and reaching its full health after wash. Take a few minutes to moisturize your hair and let it dry completely. If that seems too much to do, there is always washing your hair first thing in the morning!

Related: 8 Sulfate-Free Shampoos to Revive Your Hair

Protecting your hair as you sleep is equally important to protecting your skin as if you were going to the beach! Most people aren’t aware of the amount of hair breakage they have while sleeping. It’s important to protect your hair even during the period where you think breakage is less likely to happen.

How do you protect your hair while you sleep? Have you seen less breakage since protecting your hair? Share what has worked for protecting your hair by posting a comment below.

The CGS Team



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