The Process Behind Thinning Hair

No one ever wants to notice their hair is thinning. Whether it’s a clump every time you take a shower, or non-stop shedding when you’re brushing. In some ways, thinning hair is associated with getting older or something lacking in your diet. Thinning hair is no fun, but understanding the process behind it may be able to help you fix the problem. The CGS Team is shedding some light on thinning hair and sharing some tips on how to turn it into voluminous locks!

Understanding thinning hair

Hair Growth Basics

Hair grows pretty much everywhere on your body besides the soles of your feet and palms of your hand. Although you may not see it, some areas are more visible than others. Everyone’s hair is made up of a protein called keratin that’s produced in hair follicles of the outer layer of skin.

While some women’s hair grows longer and thicker than others, everyone hair is capable of growing. The average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 strands of hair. Out of the 150,000 strands we lose up to 100 a day. This is the standard amount and certainly doesn’t indicate an actual problem of thinning hair.

Why Hair Thins

There are different types of alopecia hair loss. One in particular called involution alopecia is a natural condition in which the hair gradually thins with age. An unusual amount of hair follicles go into the resting phase, and the remaining hairs become shorter and less in number. It’s still undetermined the cause of hair loss. Case by case the solution to thinning hair varies. Factors that may influence hair loss include genes, hormones and imbalances, drugs, burns to the scalp, stress, and various illnesses.

What Are Your Options?

If you are experiencing hair thinning, don’t stress over it. It very well could be a temporary sign that something is off in your body. There are affordable products that are aimed to help with hair thinning. If you don’t see an increase in hair growth, surgical operation is an option as well. You can get permanent and natural results with hair transplants performed by a specialized physician.

Consult with your primary care physician about the options your healthcare offers. Your doctor may simply recommend a change in your birth control or a hormone supplement to help your body balance itself out. Check out the article How to Grow Healthy Hair for some tips on what you can do yourself to try and fix the problem.


Everyone’s hair journey is different. Never compare someone else’s situation to your own. There are always solutions to problems in life! Have you ever experienced hair loss? If so, how did you manage to grow your hair back? What did you start doing (or stop doing) that helped your hair? Post a comment below to share what worked for you!

The CGS Team



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