How to Make a Great First Impression

A person’s first impression is their best impression, or so we’ve been told!  As we get older, we begin to realize those old sayings carry more truth than we imagined. When you meet someone for the first time, that impression is what they remember. You can make a great impression, or quite the opposite. The CGS Team is sharing a few tips to help you always make a great first impression when you meet new people.

Body Language Basics

Sometimes making a great first impression is less of what you say and more of how your body talks. Body language is very important when meeting someone for the first time. If you are attending a work or networking event, it’s important you wear something that is flattering and comfortable.

If you look good, you feel good! When meeting a person for the first time introducing yourself and shaking hands is a must. Making eye contact with a person is essential when first getting introduced to someone you’ve never met. Making eye contact exudes confidence, and helps show true empathy on your end.

Conversation Basics

Showing interest in a conversation upon meeting someone for the first time, displays good character. Having input in the conversation will show you are listening and interested in the discussion. If you aren’t doing much talking, the person may feel uncomfortable by having to force small talk.

Try and avoid cracking jokes the first time you meet someone unless the humor is light Practice small talk and carrying a conversation with friends and family members. Also, check out the article Networking Basics: 4 Great Conversation Starters to really get some good conversation going with new people!


Making a great first impression is pretty simple, but very important. You never know who you could be meeting and how they could impact your life down the road. Remember to not overthink the conversation and just be yourself when meeting new people. There is no one in the world like you! How do you handle networking events and meeting someone for the first time? What tips would you share with someone on making a great first impression? We would love to hear what works for you, so reply with a comment below to share your tips and experiences!

The CGS Team



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