How to Bounce Back from a Layoff

When you work for anyone besides yourself, the possibility of layoffs is inevitable. It’s no surprise that when business is booming, finding a job isn’t too difficult. However, when business isn’t booming, the need for employees goes down. Unfortunately, layoffs seem to be the first method of budget cutting and are simply out of our control.

Remember the real estate crash a few years ago? Thousands of people in the mortgage industry were let go. Not because they weren’t good workers, but because there was no longer a need for mortgage specialists, loan originators, and any other field. So whether you have been laid off, or are facing a potential layoff, the CGS Team is going to give you a few tips on how to bounce back.

Don’t Take It Personal

The most important thing that people need to understand about layoffs is that it is not personal. Well, it’s not personal from the company’s point of view. Sure, you may have given the company numerous years, built relationships, and gave it your all, but being laid off is not personal. In order for companies to increase revenues, they must cut expenses.

Salaries and benefits can be very large expenses. If there is no longer a need for a specific department, or the department is not making adequate income, then from a business perspective, it needs to go. If it happens to you, or around you, remember that it is not personal. If it was personal, you would be fired, not let go.

Always Be Prepared

So maybe you haven’t been laid off, but there are rumors circulating around the workplace. In this case, the best thing you can do for yourself is be prepared. Always, always, always have your resume up-to-date and ready to send.

Sometimes there are no warnings when layoffs come, so having an updated resume can make a huge difference if someone is trying to fit you in another role. Not to mention, you never want to wait until you need your resume to have it ready. Check out the Finance 101: Building the Perfect Resume for tips on perfecting your resume.

Hard Work Pays Off

While large layoffs may not be avoidable for some, working hard prior to them can help ensure your job’s safety. If your manager knows how much of an asset you are, he or she may be able to recommend you for a job role that is not being let go. Even if you aren’t able to switch roles before a layoff, knowing that you always did quality work will have benefits.

Not only will you be able to speak on all of the great work you have done, but you will also have managers and other peers who may be able to serve as references for future endeavors. Working hard may not always help when layoffs come, but it will definitely make a difference when you are looking for another job.

Keep Your Cool

We know, easier said than done, especially when you just got laid off. But the reality is that you never want to lose your cool. Making a scene, crying or yelling hysterically will only hurt you. Doing so may ruin your chance for a reference, and potentially keep you from working for the company again.

Would you really want that to be your last impression? If you enforce the “don’t take it personal” tip above, then you will know that it is not a personal hit against you, but a rough numbers game. Being laid off is not the end of the world, and certainly not the end of your career.

Stay Positive

Oh the power of positive thinking. If there are rumors of layoffs in your department, don’t let it drive you crazy. You can’t control the outcome of a layoff, the best you can do is continue to work hard, have your resume ready, and remain positive. Don’t let fear or worry keep you from being the great worker that you are.

Keep a positive outlook. If you do get laid off, then it may be a sign that you weren’t where you truly belonged. Everything happens for a reason, and although not having a job is a scary thought, there are plenty of jobs out there!


Do you have any experience with layoffs? What are some tips that you can share for people who may be facing layoffs in their job? Please share your thoughts and experiences with the group by leaving a comment below. You never know who you may be helping!

-The CGS Team



1 thought on “How to Bounce Back from a Layoff”

  1. I agree, layoffs are not personal, however they can definitely feel personal. Just after leaving my previous job they began to layoff multiple departments. I knew many employees who were affected by the layoffs. Although we know it’s a business decision it does feel personal, especially for those who were great employees and gave so much time to the company. But I agree with the article, you definitely have to keep your cool, and stay positive.

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