Daniella’s Finance Journey: Week 7

Daniella’s Finance Journey outlines the financial experiences that CGS member @daniellacoin is going through as she works with the CGS Financial Consultant to get on financial track. Daniella has graciously offered to share her journey to help inspire and motivate others to take control of their financial lives!

Daniella’s Share:

I was happily minding my business, because I was finally getting the hang of saving money. I just left Francesca’s Collection and brought a cute purse charm. I was given so much stuff to buy in the store and walked away only spending 20 dollars. I quietly rebuffed the “helpful” attendants and their suggestions. I was in control. (I also told them about City Girl Savings and how this community is helping keep me in line.) I checked my bank account and almost dropped my phone in horror. I had about $100 more than my rent, which was due in a few days. In that moment I knew that I [bleeped] up.

How did we get here? I was doing so well! You know how some people celebrate weight loss by having that cheat meal? Well I had some cheat meals, cheat purchases, cheat ubers. I just cheated on my budget. But here we are. I rebounded. I tallied my month long pile up of receipts and then had my call with my CGS Consultant. A little bit of a mix up, but nothing too extreme. If only it remained that simple.

I was on the call with my Consultant when a little vase smaller than a smart phone falls off my fridge and onto my stove. It CRACKS THROUGH THE GLASS TOP. Now I need to replace either that or the ENTIRE STOVE. So I am not a happy camper, not even in the least. I still do not have any idea of how much it will cost and I am going to have to buy a hotplate to cut the cost of buying food. There is a meme that talked about journeys. Expectation was a straight line from origin to goal. Reality is this crooked line with dips and valleys, and some parts were flooded with a boat. It is so indicative of what really happens when you try to achieve things. Not everything was negligence on my part, life happens.

Some things are out of my control. However, I am learning that this is all part of the journey. I tell myself that one day I am going to look back on these blogs and realize that it’s ok. I made it through a very tough time and I am stronger than I give myself credit for. CGS Community each one of you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Keep going and you will reach your goal. Even trying makes you better than your starting point. We can do it!

Comment below, Where are you on your goals? Are you having a setback out of your control?



About Daniella…

Daniella is a 25 year old working millennial living in Dallas, TX. Daniella is originally from New York and has moved to Dallas to start a life of adulthood on her own. She currently works as an administrative assistant and has a passion for make-up! Feel free to leave a comment with any thoughts or questions for Daniella.



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