City Girl Savings Goals for 2022

Welp, another year has come and gone! As tradition continues, I like to share the goals City Girl Savings will be working towards in the upcoming year. I’ve written this article every year for the past 5+ years, and whether I hit the goals or not, progress is always made!

Keep reading to learn about the primary focus of City Girl Savings for 2022. This article shares what we are working on for the new year. Also, check out how far we’ve come by reading our goals from 2021 (and past years too!)

City Girl Savings Goals for 2022

Goal #1: Our goal is to have 35,000 of a secret metric (you’ll find out what it is on January 3, 2022)! But, feel free to guess!

Goal #2: Our goal is to have 4,500 Facebook Group members.

Goal #3: Our goal is to complete 250 consultations.

Goal #4: Our goal is to have 10,000 newsletter subscribers.

Goal #5: Our goal is to work with more brands and businesses to have a greater reach and impact.

Goal #6: Our goal is to increase sales by 125% (this is a big form of growth)!

We’re focusing on less goals this year, but really putting the effort into achieving them. You may notice that some of our goals are the same as last year’s because we’re likely not going to hit them this year…and, that’s okay! The goal is to keep pushing. We are on a mission to help as many women (or people in general) as possible reach financial success. To do that, we have to set BIG goals! What are some of your biggest goals for 2022? Stay tuned to see our final goal numbers for 2021!

The CGS Team



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