CGS 2022 Year End Goals Recap

Wow. It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. The older I get, the faster time seems to go. I’m not sure if you know this, but every year I like to set a word for the year. In 2022, that word was “thrive”.

Well, I can say that my 2022 word summed up the year accurately…just not in the way I had planned. I mean, what else is new?! I try my hardest to plan and prepare and things never work out how I planned and prepared…But you know what? They ALWAYS work out!

I’m excited to share with you how City Girl Savings did with our 2022 goals. We hit some, we missed some, but we thrived!

Also, we shared our CGS Goals for 2023, so be sure to check those out. Just like we hold our clients, community, and followers accountable, we would like you to hold us accountable too! Check out the progress we made towards our goals in 2022!

In 2022, we gained 1521 more email newsletter subscribers.

In 2022, we averaged 13,966 monthly readers with 167,598 pageviews.

In 2022, we completed 86 consultations, created 31 budget plans, and coached 25 clients.

In 2022, we launched Money Management Mastery once and had 14 new students.

In 2022, we increased revenue by 10%. We did not hit our income goal.

In 2022, we launched the City Girl Savings podcast and had 29,575 downloads.

In 2022, we published 140 articles.

In 2022, we increased our Instagram followers by 4,541.

In 2022, we increased our YouTube subscribers by 126.

In 2022, we increased our CGS Facebook Group to 5,389 members.

A lot happened in 2022, so while we didn’t hit all of our goals, we’re very happy with what happened! Thank you for all of the support over the years. Whether you’re new to the CGS community or not, we appreciate you! What progress did you make towards your goals in 2022? Post a comment below to share and leave thoughts on our 2022 progress!


-The CGS Team



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